I can’t believe how much money is spent researching limp dicks. Pills, treatment centers, you name it. Yet we don’t have a cure for ovarian or breast (or prostate!) cancer.
I can’t believe how much money is spent researching limp dicks. Pills, treatment centers, you name it. Yet we don’t have a cure for ovarian or breast (or prostate!) cancer.
No BC. No abortions even in the case of rape. Fear of white genocide. They want to rape you into having children. It’s Gilead. Is another bleeding-heart lefty going to accuse me of being hyperbolic again? Are we going to continue being ‘nice’ and assuming the best of these misogynists as they strip away our human…
The contrast between making women’s contractitive and reproductive health access basically illegal while men’s ED pills (Viagra and Cialis) go OTC is going be just so… Ironic? Tragic? What’s the word I’m looking for…
Have you tried Adventures in Depression by Allie Brosh (Hyperbole and a Half)? I’ve never read an account of depression that felt so accurate to me. Never.
Honestly, I think Carrie is that story. She constantly struggled with it. Yes, she had some books under her wing, was a successful script doctor, but I think we only got a 10% of Carrie because she was battling her demons the other 90% of the time.
Self-medicating with drugs and alcohol is a common way of coping with the isolating symptoms of mental illness. Fisher has spoken at length about how substance abuse can seemingly counter the symptoms of a condition, offering a false sense of normalcy (sometimes even euphoria) when they become too great to cope with…
My best friend’s sister is suffering from mental illness and drug dependency.
Jeebus, when are these dumbass fuckers going to realize that freely available contraceptives is an amazing way to prevent abortions?
They also don’t talk about it as if they’re the ONLY PEOPLE EVER to successfully navigate a divorce, co-parenting, and remaining friends with your ex.
Ahem, you better not be insulting skyr. Iceland has given the rest of the world so many great things, and skyr is one of the aforementioned great things!
Sunburns! A very important part of our culture!
Bitch, please. Kate Beckinsale and Michael Sheen have been the public ideal for divorced but still on good terms and co-parenting couple since 2003.
She is truly the most insufferable celebrity out there. Absolutely nauseating.
You realize Hillary Clinton, literally, won the primary, right? Like, she got more votes than anyone else in the primary, right? So, there’s not really much the DNC could have done, since nominations aren’t decided by national committee fiat, but by the results of the primaries, right? So how exactly was this…
Love you, HamNo, but my only response to this is: No fucking shit. The warnings were around for months and months and months, but the DNC still nominated the only candidate who could possibly make Trump seem palatable. (“She still won the popular vote!” BFD. The Boston Red Sox had the best batting average in the…
If the very worst happens, it won’t be because we didn’t know that it might happen. We have all been amply warned.
I’m behind on gossip, I thought Drake was with Serena Williams.
Drake looks like the cat who ate the canary.