That guy there. AMIRITE????
That guy there. AMIRITE????
Fucking christ. Address my long, well-though post and not my little bits. We're not enemies, but you insist on making it so.
I have a long post above that should change your perspective.
This betrays your lack of intelligence. Fucking stupid people who want to be held up as if they had an IQ anywhere near genius.
Oh, your insular world of echo-chamber academics says otherwise? give us a range of disciplines and we can discuss some real discourse, unless you're emotions are hurt and then you're automatically Truth, right?
Now you're on strawmen.
And, surprisingly you think that those few words are worth anything.
Ehrm, actually it's Foucaltian with a "t" not a "d".
I wrote a sensationalist headline to cover up from my non-journalism, and I lived to collect a paycheck from it?
Or we could all make an argument that current working conditions are unfair to both men and women. In same and different ways.
Anita should shut the fuck up and focus on what she's good at: namely. PR.
BTW, the derail happened when you made it all about you. Because this has little to do with you and more to do with the really complex bits of how gaming went from "society thinks it's a waste of time" to "women are involved therefore we're going to hold everything to a higher standard for women's benefit and no one…
For every concern that Feminism brings up, there exists a far more complex discourse than is ever addressed.
What we'll see is that Montycarlo will exit this conversation and than start at the beginning next time around. What people say doesn't matter, and there's always a way to duck out and start over the next time around.
You're correct.
In the absence of response I'll assume I'm agreed with and you can quit with the "oh so special" approach.
Haha! I'm from New England, so it's (nice) boots and long pants all year round!
Here's another example of why we aren't having anything resembling a rational discourse: you assume that because I have issues with the most self-promoted, visible actor in this discussion (Anita) you see me as guilty of the sins of those who attacked her in disgusting ways.
Case-in-point. You know that "you" is the second person plural of "you", right?
So, you're perfectly aware of the irrationality and illogical nature of your position. And then you keep defending it?