Eh, they'll be too busy masturbating.
Eh, they'll be too busy masturbating.
"Gamer" as a label isn't very useful anymore. "Gaming" isn't a sub-culture nor is it a minority. "Gaming" has become very mainstream and "Gaming Culture" is pretty much indistinguishable from "Mainstream Culture" at this point.
I'm fearful that the whole EU will go out the window. I'm not alone.
Satire, Velt. I couldn't help myself. The opening you left was a little too perfect.
I'm fine with losing $5 to something that looks good but I never end up really playing in a timely fashion.
It's for your own good! Those trades weren't up to what the writers and artists were capable of, so just put those in a drawer until the NEW EXTENDED trades are released! There's the added bonus that the comics are now family friendly! all the lightsabers and blasters have been replaced, through the magic of CG, with…
I'm pretty sure the Star Wars most of us grew up with is dead and buried.
Okay, so should he be personally visiting each fan to have a little Feminism talk? I can't see the issue here because he is not his fans' keeper? Is there something I'm missing? Nothing said by Kevin Smith here seems off-base.
Anyone with power will first and foremost be concerned with maintaining that power.
Except that the majority of incidents are against men, so it's no surprise that the official word was "I have no idea what you're talking about!". Now that women are gaining a larger share of service members and integration into further roles is ongoing, we can begin to come up with a response because it's socially…
I certainly don't miss the denial, etc..
As a slightly different perspective, I'd really not discount how shame and humiliation can be a real motivating factor as well as a means to break down those defensive walls and justifications so that people can get a more honest and stark view of their own selves.
In the end, it's the media telling us that there are divisions and differences and that we should be fighting.
Frankly, Romney did a pretty damn good job of running Massachusetts against democratic majorities in everything. As a moderate, Romney was really refreshing. As the Tea Party candidate he was required to be but never was nor even wanted to be, he's atrocious.
That dudebro should have moved the fuck over. What a misogynist.
Nah. Whatever. He was just a really awesome dude.
And Francis is showing his lack of pride. I can't think of a single religious leader with such conviction in my own lifetime.
Francis is making me desire to be part of the church as a highly religious person.
Can I say that I've loved Special K as a tasty-but-not-awful cereal forever? Also, I was raised as a boy and I've been staring at women-centric marketing my whole life because of it. My sister would eat Golden Grams and Cinnamon Toast Crunch while I slurped down bowls of Special K. Their marketing gimmicks are crap,…