
Me too.

To be honest, these extreme anti-abortion bills being forced through the more conservative legislatures are, in my view at least, far closer to a "last, desperate gasp" for the anti-abortion movement than to some widespread, popular support for restricting a woman's personal autonomy.

I do think there's a bit of an overreaction when we absolutely pillory individuals for desiring intimacy/sex and the tell them them things like "just treat women like people" because that's just condescending and silly.

See, you're projecting and, moreover, you're essentially insisting that Sophia Coppola make the film you'd make instead of engaging with the thing itself. I'd think that the fact that many people get riled up in favor of the suggestion that the film should be concerned about social justice issues is selfish and

But you're making it into a conversation where you assume abuse and give "special pass" to the non-abusive. In fact, I'd argue it's the other way around and we're all right to call out badness, just that we shouldn't go looking for reasons to condemn the whole on the actions of a small few.

What it comes down to is that it isn't for you. That doesn't mean it isn't for anyone. I just hate the "my kink is cool, but your kink is abusive". Every situation needs, unfortunately, to be individual. That's the tough part. Let's all reserve judgement, please.

Uhg. I hate to "recommend" Somewhere because it is a very boring film that does, in fact, fail in a lot of ways. For me, personally, I can both overlook the failures and find a coherent whole, but if you aren't invested in Coppola's opus it gets tedious. I'd just hate to encourage someone to watch what is a poor film

:D That's serious. You made me grin!

I feel like I'd like that. I have a love/hate relationship with Reality TV. It was, at first, interesting and somewhat genuine (90's Road Rules/MTV-style), but the early 2000's killed the "documentary" approach. Now I'm seeing more of a return, in some spaces, of the more honest style. For example (and bless UK TV)

Certainly not limited to women. My face is "bitchy-fuck-you-face" until I put on my smile to deal with customers/stakeholders/assholes. I hate it and I wish I could just smile and be genuine. Fucking work /rant.

Eh, JJ can't write a plot without relying on a deux ex and I hate that every person in entertainment wants to be him.

You obviously didn't even see the licence plate.

Thanks, essentially the same conceptual tradition. It's Socrates: "The unexamined life is not worth living". Etc.

Lulz. Go watch to improve your taste:

haha. Way to call me on my hyperbole! Jerk! :P

Eeek, poor syntax. MA and Somewhere are the less accessible films. MA toes a line, and it's tone is far, far less "serious" than the others.

The Bling Ring and Much Ado are my summer blockbusters! I haven't been so excited for film in a long time!

I'm quite condescending, yes. But I'm curious what you'd consider to be a "good" film?

MA and Somewhere were both less "well made" than Virgin Suicides and Lost in Translation. However, as a snob I tend to consider that the inaccessibility and difficulty of those films tends to overshadow the intent.

I honestly feel kind of bad for you.