Is it just me, or isn't the violent takedown unnecessary? the guy had his hands up and his body language says "I know I fucked up and I'm a decent person so I'll accept that I've fucked up." And cops keep complaining about a lack of respect?
Is it just me, or isn't the violent takedown unnecessary? the guy had his hands up and his body language says "I know I fucked up and I'm a decent person so I'll accept that I've fucked up." And cops keep complaining about a lack of respect?
But it isn't about the emotions, per se, but about the humanization. And that acts in reverse. If we're going around convinced that the world is sexist and we're the bastion of hope and enlightenment, you'll see sexism everywhere and it will become overwhelming.
We get mixed up when we discuss theoreticals, and that's an issue overall. To be honest, I'm not convinced that "Rape Culture" is a thing in the same way that people like Lindy talk about it. During the "debate" with Jim Norton on Totally Biased (which is the best show ever!) Lindy unfortunately fell apart toward the…
If you want something to be offensive, it takes little effort to make it so. Welcome to the "twitter-age" where a small a group of vocal assholes will be lauded as speaking for millions of people.
I think you're looking for people to fight, and to an extent, I feel as if it is always negative.
Fucking Christ. If you think that Atheists and Gamers are "the most misogynistic" out there, you have a horrifically sheltered life.
Thanks for the kind words!
We just picked up GW2 last Thursday, so we're newbies! Our main squeeze around here is The Secret World, which I'd be happy to shoot you a 72 hour trial for if you'd be interested. Best writing in an MMO/game I've seen in awhile!
Nah, no need to be confused. I just get a little antsy when I see people on Jez engaging in the same sort of behaviors we tend to criticize immensely when they're lobbed toward us.
Just that these narratives are constructed for mass in-house benefit. Being shitty and ignorant toward people is totally cool as long as the party line gets promoted, eh?
Well, if you're at all an MMO player I can be found (currently) in GW2 and TSW. I tend to post most prolifically around Massively (because I have an eye on a staff position there). Regardless, I hope to come across you again, sometime! If you care to look me up, my Steam is:…
Oh my, you brought up Mass Effect, which is a prime example of the "AAA Easy Sell" casualty.
While I can appreciate the "making fun of people who are awful", can we not assume that men enjoying being penetrated anally means they're gay? Because I'm pretty sure that sexual activity of any kind between a man and a woman is pretty straight (or at the most bisexual). I mean, I know plenty of straight men who love…
You're right in that the fact you had such a multifaceted and deep response to Spec Ops is a direct compliment to the writers. In a lot of cases (as you know), if a story like that doesn't provoke a strong response they've failed. Positive or negative, if you connect with the experience on an emotional and base level…
Last week a kind soul pointed me toward GW2 for $32, so I try to pass along the good deeds!
We certainly do have plenty in common. My undergrad degree is in composition and I was somewhat close to going into education, myself, until I got a closer look at the inside.
I'm 28 now, but when I was a kid who loved video games, Dungeons & Dragons and fantasy novels my mother would, sometimes, berate me for living in "la la land". She certainly wasn't/isn't a mean person or acted with ill intent, in fact she thought she was doing me a good turn by pointing my attentions toward more…
Arnhelm, I think it's worth noting, as well, that "gaming" has seen a meteoric shift in the last decade from something that was popularly seen as primarily a childhood "boy's hobby" to an activity that is normalized, popular and profitable.
Jennifer Hale will have the opportunity to voice countless more awesome characters, one would hope. Considering she's pretty much A-list for video game voiceover work, I'm awaiting her next project!