Little Socks Lemur

During a family reunion in Wyoming, we went out to a spot to see where moose gather. Most people stay on the side of the road at safe distances away. Anyway at one point we spotted a calf. My grandmother, who unbeknownst to ten-year old me at the time was a little drunk on scotch, proceeded to head down from the road

I work in Mexico and once did a stint in Peru. When I got back from working at San Jose de Moro, a famous Moche site, someone actually accused me of being a grave-robber. I replied that yes I am, but with SCIENCE!

Pues tal vez por que pasé mucho tiempo en México, a mí me anota la diferencía entre los dos. También la persona preguntó como se pronuncia correctamente. Y en inglés Chi-pote-lay es inglés Cheh-pought-lay, la cual suena horrible.

Wrong wrong wrong! Chi-po-tlay. Its Nahuatl. Tl is pronounced together gringo. Chi-po-tlay.

No no no no no they are misleading you. Chi-po-tlay. Its a Nahuatl word, and tl is aspirated. I am an archaeologist who lives and works in Mexico. Trust me. Chi-po-tlay.

What I also love about this video is realizing how much has changed since I was a kid. E.g. Zaire, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia no longer exist. And a few new countries like East Timor, South Sudan, etc. do.

That's what happened to a friend of mine. Her first boyfriend (this was when she was 15) had HSV1 and while he didn't have an obvious outbreak, was apparently in the infectious stage and passed it on to her when he ate her out. Thankfully HSV1 isn't a happy camper on your genitals, and she hasn't had an outbreak in

But its not the same end, not at all. Because a grilled cheese it not just simply melting cheese on bread. God you probably think cheese product is better than real cheese. Honestly, try it sometime — slather butter on the outsides of your cheese sandwich, place in saute pan, heat until brown and crispy. So much

Because then its not a grilled cheese sandwich, its some shit you stuck in microwave and heated up. But not grilled cheese, not no way not no how.

Also, during that Harold and Kumar viewing, laying on my now ex's lap, with tears rolling down my cheek, saying the shroomiest thing ever "Sometimes I'm crushed by the weight of my own humanity".

Two stories:

What always gets me is the myopia of people — its a pretty well known psychological condition that we look at the past with rose-colored glasses, and that today is always seems so much worse than it was back in the good old times.

No one is saying that skinny-shaming is equivalent to fat-shaming, notice that a lot of these commenters have made it clear that they don't think they are the same, just that skinny-shaming exists and yeah, it sucks too.

I said you can make a passable guess, but really you can't determine race definitively from the skeleton. There were theories back in the old days that you could, and in fact scientists did divide people accordingly (mongoloid, caucasionoid, African) but that has been debunked in recent studies. There is just too much

That may be true, however the media most commonly cited the Seventeen magazine article re her crush on Tom, and that was just not true. She could've totally had a crush on him all her life, but I find it interesting that some of what was reported as true was clearly planted. As for OiNY, who knows?

Lindy you are in luck! One is already in existence!

Hmm, I thought I was addressing it head on. Oh well.

This is where American fails in science education.

That was the story...not so much the poster on the wall thing but definitely the girlhood crush.

Right! I google-cheat occasionally when I can't remember certain features on a given bone (greater sciatic notch anyone?) but it is sad that they can't even fact check the basic shit. Understandably though if they did follow the facts, they wouldn't be able to get very far story-wise — there really is only so much