Little Socks Lemur

Omigod I did that too! Was just that something us 80s' kids did?

No the police should be trained not to shoot to kill. They are not the military. They are a civilian peace-keeping force. This whole notion that the police should or are trained to shoot to kill is ridiculous. And you should be able to rely on the police to show restraint. THAT IS THE FUCKING POINT. They are civilians

But you did, in so many words. You said if you don’t want to get shot, don’t break the law. Ver-fucking-batim. Which in others words is “this kid deserved to get killed,” cause he broke the law. Clearly you not only lack comprehension in your writing, but also short-term memory. But you know what? No. You do not

Hello secret troll for Sea World! How can I tell you are a shill for Sea World? Because you are quoting non-facts direct from the Sea World lie factory. For example, the fins are not made of cartilage, they are made of collagen that normally hardens in adolescence. Second of all, fin collapse is ACTUALLY rare in the

I’m not sure where you heard that, but even with all the advances in DNA mapping there is no knowing exactly how an embryo will turn out to be. Physically perhaps, but even then who is to predict which genes will turn on and off as the pregnancy develops - or even as the person progresses through life. Personality?

“Y como remedio, litro y medio. Y si no hay remedio, otro litro y medio.

Although I’m an archaeologist, I’ve done an ethnographic field study in support of my research. Having gone through that process, I’m wondering if this project was ever submitted to UCLA’s Internal Review Board (IRB), which is a body that oversees research projects involving living human subjects. Nowhere in the Times

Mezcal is technically made from several agaves. Most mezcal is from the domesticated Espadin but there are also wild agaves that they make mezcal from including Cerrudo, Madre Cuishe, Karowinski, Tobala, etc.

And the third part is "....y como remedio, litro y medio". (And as a remedy, a liter and a half). In Oaxaca right now and its the truth!

Starring not because I think your experience is super awesome — I'm sorry that nature is pulling this shit on you — but starring cause I wish the world (i.e. conservatives) would realize that pregnancy is super freaking complicated and not some default, happy state for women. Sometimes its just down right dangerous.

It's even more confusing if you live in Arizona, cause we don't do Daylight savings here. My phone had updated, which confused me as to the time but when I checked my computer it had remained the same time....and then when I checked the settings on my phone it went back to the proper time. But suddenly where I was an

Not to harp on you, but another issue with evo psych's methodology is that they tend to rely on small sample sizes of people, mostly volunteers drawn from university populations. Now, can you seriously tell me that 30-80 white, college-aged men and women are the same as or similar to a 1.7 million year old Homo

Not to harp on you, but another issue with evo psych's methodology is that they tend to rely on small sample sizes of people, mostly volunteers drawn from university populations. Now, can you seriously tell me that 30-80 white, college-aged men and women are the same as or similar to a 1.7 million year old Homo

Yeah, I didn't consider the whole closet living relative factor. And I like the scenario you suggest, with louse inter-competition pushing pubic lice to restricted niches. That being said, I was just trying to stress the point that hominine would not have picked up lice from gorillas through sexual activity. I know

I don't know about that being a reasonable question to ask. While inter-species fornication does happen, it only does so under atypical situations, and seems to occur among species whose divergence occurred less than 4 MYA (lions and tigers, for example, and horses and zebras). Different species just don't tend to

God you can see the entitlement written all over the faces. Especially the woman on the right, ugh. The entitlement is strong with this one. Gross.

I kept thinking the very same thing as the whole thing was going down! It occurred to me that maybe a lot of people who did not have color-training (both w ith hues and light) were seeing the dress as white and gold. Though I am not a professional by any means, I have had a lot of art classes and photography classes,

Eh. I have a jumpy trackpad and I was half asleep when I wrote that comment. Hicksville was actually a reference to Middle America. What I meant to say was

You do realize that you can find "Adult Emporiums" along side highways (often near the clusters of gas stations and quick-stop restaurants) all the time outside of cities. But, based on your spelling of realize/realise, you probably British so maybe they don't have adult stores out in Hicksville.

A burn is a clever, often witty, and very direct insult. The object of the burn is aware that they are being insulted, as the burn relates to something or some characteristic personal to the subject. A burn is infinitely amusing to other people who are not objects of the burn but are around to hear it.