Thanks for this. Nice to know there are men who think like you do. A tenet of feminism is that men are as oppressed in this society as women, in different ways; I believe a prime example is how badly misled boys are about sex and consent. Continue to spread your message, sir.
List some “real” and “important” changes then.
It's a major award!
This is why I never save Bono.
Not that you LOOOOOOOVE Mars Inc chocolates?
Regardless...Here’s something: when I was growing up, suicide was “for white folks”. We’d sit and marvel about how people with “so much going for them” would end their lives in such a manner. When we started moving on up, we started seeing (or at least, acknowledging) suicides among middle-class black folks. Even…
clickbait-y headline aside, there are some good points about the effects of how our culture defines success and happiness
Of course they got a GOP woman to bring froth the bill. They’re having their women do the dirty work to try to avoid the very valid “war on women” argument that hurt them last year. Is there an equivalent of an “Uncle Tom” specificallg for women? If not, I nominate Joni Ernst for that position.
Mexican Coke is “artisinal soda”? Excuse me while I die laughing. Mexican Coke WAS Coke, until high fructose corn syrup came along, the government subsidized corn, and it was cheaper to sweeten Coke with HFCS than real cane sugar. America switched to it because it was cheaper, and you can taste the difference. They…
The official Sunshineaya heirarchy is as follows:
Fountain Coca-Cola > Coca-Cola in the glass bottle > Coca-Cola in a can > Coca-Cola in a plastic bottle.
Well, I see we’ve uncovered yet another of Trumps pseudonyms.
A glass bottle is actually the only acceptable way to drink Coke from a bottle. I was envisioning a plastic bottle which is bleh.
A gas station near my parents got a crushed ice machine. It’s one of my favorite parts about visiting them!
My husband’s uncle had a successful stem cell transplant to treat cancer. The uncle and my husband’s aunt are rabidly pro-life. The aunt was talking about how thankful she was for that treatment. I mentioned that I thought it was wonderful, too, but also mentioned being thankful for the research that led to it.…
I prefer my soda poured into a glass (not a plastic cup because plastic cups are gross) over ice. For Coke on the go, I adore it out of a styrofoam cup (sorry environment) with little pebbles of ice. I will seek out fast food joints that serve it like that regardless of what I think of their food.
Well, I don’t think any have polio, so ALL OF THEM.
Sorry if that “sigh” came off as exasperation at you. It was meant to be an expression of exhaustion at all of the miserable headlines today. This, Cecil, that 8-year-old girl who was murdered...
at least one too many.