Why does this read like a bad riff on an old Tucker Max story?
What directly the fuck is wrong with these people?
My parents never laid a hand on me unless I deserved it. My wife however had a markedly different upbringing of abuse, neglect, and torture.
Go back to Portland, it's not May Day yet.
Perhaps I do this because generations in this context ARE a generalization in behavior and experience...
Read plenty of both, do you honestly think Reagan was some sort of saint? Were you even alive when he was in office?
Yes and the 'Popped up" part is a "feature" of the site's new design.
The problem is you're responding to a conversation that happened years ago and there's not going to be any meaningful resumption of the discussion.
Let's just say that I'm emphatically against militarization of the police force.
Why are you responding to threads that are over 2 years old?
Years ago I was invited to a "Celebrity Trainwreck" themed costume party for halloween. Apparently showing up as Peewee Herman complete with realistic rubber phallus hanging out your fly crosses the line somewhere as they never invited me back. :(
All jobs come with the addendum of "Other Duties As Assigned". You're not at work to benefit your skillset, you're at work to do the work you're paid to do. Even if it's mopping floors that day.
Why are you responding to a thread that is over 2 years old?
Wait, Jezebel writers don't like when you call them out on their randomly self-justified hypocrisy? Well, there goes half the readership here.
Ugh, I typed IASCA and meant USAC. Bah! It's been too long.
I co-piloted for my friend for several years with several trips to USACi world finals in Kansas City. I had a blast going to shows, and seeing installs, and whatnot. I even had a chance to sit down with Wayne Harris for dinner once.
He started out in IASCA,…
If they really imagined "dragons" in a car, that car would likely be radioactive.
Actually, this song used to be the standard IASCA SPL song back in the 90's.
I mean if you're really looking to test SPL levels in your car, and you like nostalgic throwbacks to do so.
If I'm at the front door when my wife returns from walking the greyhounds, the Ethne (my 80 lb female) will literally drag my wife to me. It probably doesn't help that she is the heavier of the two by something like 15 lbs.
I'm not jaded, we simply grew up dealing with different things.
The only treason I'm irritated at "Bratty Youngins" is the sense of entitlement that seems to be based around, "I have a college degree, therefore I deserve a job that pays me well and you old people need to get out of my job!" Which is the prevalent…
Yes, because there obviously were not recessions during our formative years. No, double digit inflation, no massive military debt spending, no post DotCom boom crash... Nope, none of that.
I don't even know how to respond.
I'm disappointed, sad, frustrated, angry...
This really just isn't OK, and for people to think it is. It's abominable.