Lisbeth Salamander

I uh, I liked it? Sorry. I may have bad taste in music, but I straight up just put this on my playlist. I also really enjoy all this manufactured drama. Like, Kim/Taylor/Katy/etc are my soap operas. I don’t understand why people get in arguments about it. Just enjoy the performance.

I dunno, I do feel like this piece could have had more depth in it. But I don’t have a problem with this coming from a white woman. We shouldn’t put the burden on POC to explain things to us.

Is this a show on Sy-fy?


If I tip in cash, I write cash in the tip spot. I am paranoid.

I listen to her podcast, I know someone else mentioned it, but it’s pretty obvious they have completely opposite political views. I wouldn’t take it personally, but yeah Chris Pratt is not chill.

omfg, will be using this in the future. hahaha

My favorite thing about this movie, is the Morgan Murphy stand up. She says she couldn’t be the quirky best friend in that movie supplying Hudson with ideas on how to lose a guy because she would say, “Well, did you shit on the floor? Just shit on the floor!”

If you ban them, how will I know to swipe left?

All her DWTS costumes can be Spicey themed. Can you imaging a ballroom dress that is part bushes/part suit?

Let me live in this revenge fantasy. It’s all I have.

Ok, how about a SNL skit where she plays him in DWTS before he actually signs on and embarrasses him so much that he can’t actually sign to the show.

Can they also ask Melissa Mccarthy? If he signed on, I bet she would say yes. And then school him.

Me camping.

I mean, she is currently worth that much.

lol at Jessica Simpson sinking. She’s worth like $150 million.

This is one of those scream into the void days.