
I will say that Devil's Attorney is worth the download, if only for the epic intro sequence. The game's not bad either, ...but good lord, I'd play that song over and over again.

And if, at that time, Disney had the technology to keep the animation and only change the artwork, you can bet they would've. I don't really see your point.

And... it's posted below.

I remember reading that Disney's Robin Hood movie used a lot of older animation from other movies. Loved the movie just the same.

No opinion on Ghosts, however.

Thought the same here.

In addition to a slew of great deals today, we've got a brand new Humble Bundle for you featuring Warner Bros. games and including the first two Arkhams.

Yep - couldn't access the link.

Absolutely the same here - preordered the Watch_Dogs PS4 bundle because I figured of all the cross/split-gen games, Watch_Dogs might benefit the most from the extra horsepower. Now I'm honestly considering canceling my preorder at Amazon.

I'm sad because of the removal of the Tingle Tuner. It would've been perfect for the GamePad.

Saints Row The Third. Cheap, and ridiculous fun.

Kling Onington?

Dear god, my wallet in November.

The problem with puns is that they saddle you with ill will.

IM discussion with a coworker about this topic.

(4:33:23 PM) Noah: But... Can you name 3 ponys?
(4:33:32 PM) Jesse: Um
(4:33:46 PM) Jesse: Gargamel
(4:33:48 PM) Jesse: Mitsy
(4:33:50 PM) Jesse: and
(4:33:55 PM) Jesse: Kerrigan
(4:34:04 PM) Noah: HAHAHAHA!!!!!

I'd glady, even blindly, jump back into the AC series if Henry Rollins was the main character.

Upon reading the headline, John McAfee called Mattrick to say, "LULWUT?"
This was, of course, after he ordered his six bath salt-riddled Malaysian concubines out of his vestibule for a little bit of man-privacy.

Mattrick HairFlip (tm)

Will Mattrick turn Zynga around? I wouldn't bet the farm on it.

That's the best I got.

It is difficult to play many Zynga games offline, so it's fitting I guess? :-P