
Anyone who cosplays Junji Ito characters are a winner in my book.

Is it weird that I have a boner? Can we still say boner in 2016?

You win this time! But I shall be back with more slightly inaccurate comments.

Trump RN

So glad the eagle came back to try and finish the job

Their mood is not exactly Sombra.



but Corey Lewandowski is still on the payroll.

Life in Aggro nailed it this week, truly modern everday life is terrifying, no wonder why everyone is over stressed about everything XD

yeah, I heard about this on the radio this morning and “that’s white privilege” was the first thing I thought of. It couldn’t be more clear. There’s no way this verdict would be the same if African-Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, etc. had taken over that place.

I was going to bump the difficulty, then I played Destiny. And that folks is the story of The Division!

I think I just died. Be back after I’ve bought, downloaded, and put a dozen hours or so into this.

I’m only a 6 or so hours into Darkest D, but I’ve really enjoyed what I’ve played of it on Vita... I mean, the interface is clunky as all hell, but it’s not really much better on Ps4, so it doesn’t feel that bad switching between the two.

Is it the size of the text that you’re basing this on, or is there some

Mother f...

Or the Vita version of Gal*Gun, ugh.

I normally get the vita version for RPG’s. I find them much more enjoyable to kick back somewhere other then the living room. One thing you can’t knock the vita for is lack of RPG’s.

Play both demos! I tried both demos and was turned off by the jaggies and pixelation a little after playing the PS4 demo. I know this seems great for portable, but it distracted me a little. I realized I play most games inside my home anyways, so I could always remote play too.

Came to say the same.