
Huh, really? For me, it was the most fun I’ve had in a Kojima game (which is saying something). It was just pure joy for me to dick around in while doing stupid shit and kidnapping/stealing from everything in a base that wasn’t nailed down.

A tip I figured I would mention for those getting to the Shadowbringers portion of the game:

I wouldn’t worry too much, as Gunbreaker Thancred isn’t that big of a spoiler (he was showcased in the Shadowbringers cinematic announcement trailer, after all). But he (and most of the Scions, really) get some great character development post-ARR, especially in Shadowbringers. 


Just wait until you get into Shadowbringers and meet the beast tribe made up entirely of bipedal talking Good Boys. 

You know, Baten Kaitos is one of the rare games that I’m thankful for having almost no chance of being ported to a Sony or Microsoft console, because I know the developers would be absolute dicks and include a 100% item run as a trophy/achievement. 

But does it pair well with Zapp’s Voodoo Chips?

Gotta disagree. We’ve already seen that Gems can take pretty much any form they want, as we’ve seen countless times with Amethyst (such as a car, helicopter, crane, a baby, a cop, and so on). And Spinel’s wackiness makes absolute sense for what she is: A toy. Specifically, a toy for Pink Diamond. And this is why she

Fuck, that movie was so good. Spinel’s anger was understandable, and the fact that she was basically a 30's cartoon character was really awesome too.

McDonalds seems to have forgotten that people never ate at McDonalds because it was *good*, because it wasn’t. People ate at McDonalds because it was *cheap* and it was *fast*. It was the Little Ceasers of burger joints, and this is something McDonalds really needs to remember again.

Yeah. And another nice touch is that you can still try out other classes too, as the level cap is per class. 

It’s great, and one of the best MMOs on the market. One important difference with FFXIV over other MMOs is that it’s *very* story heavy, and that your character actually feels *important* to that story and the events. By the time you’ve finished the “base” game (A Realm Reborn), you’ve murdered the hell out of several

“Jokes at the expense of marginalized communities will not be present in future games published by 3D Realms,””

We need a new feature where Ben Bertoli recaps an episode of Dragon Ball Z every day. 

Don’t get too excited. There’s still time for President Baby Penis to pardon this shitheel in an effort to please his base. 

Now playing

Yes, we did. We also learned that Vegeta is apparently knowledgeable about 80's gag mangas.

Don’t forget Launch, who just straight up disappeared. 

No, D&D was definitely demonized long before video games, as anyone who lived through the Satanic Panic of the late 70's/early 80's can attest. 

One thing I like is that you get to put together an entire squad of Mobile Suits, meaning that all those parts you earn won’t just be sitting around in your inventory. Plus the ability to paint your creations, earn box art of models to display, and even a photo mode are nice additions for those that prefer to just