
Not to mention that we have Final Fantasy *BECAUSE* of Dragon Quest. It was the popularity of Dragon Quest that convince Squaresoft that RPGs could work and thus they finally allowed Sakaguchi to go ahead with Final Fantasy. Dragon Quest is as essential and influential to RPGs as Ultima, Wizardry, and Dungeons and

This is doubly true if they’re still running the $1 for one month of Ultimate Game Pass deal (they were two weeks ago). The reason for this is because it’ll upgrade up to three years of Xbox Live Gold into the Game Pass/Gold combo. So you buy three years of Gold, spend the one dollar on the month of Game Pass, and

Just look at that very Goo-d hat!

Now playing

You should check out OK KO. It’s a cartoon on Cartoon Network by Ian Jones-Quartey, the guy who created the webcomic RPG World, former art and animation director for the Venture Brothers, as well as having been involved with Steven Universe and Adventure Time.

He’s also Ernesto and Pird on OK KO, and was Shaiapouf on Hunter x Hunter, so it sucks that he’s turned out to be a dick. Hopefully he’ll get the help he needs. 

Honestly, I knew the moment Urban talked how he would puke in his popcorn if he went to a Dredd movie and Dredd removed his helmet, that he would be the perfect Dredd. 

Okay, important question here:

As a guy who was sad about the sudden ending of RPG World all those years ago, it was so satisfying to see it get an animated conclusion. And thankfully it was in such a fun show as OK KO. 

Okay, I know only two things about hair:

Now playing

Here’s the first look at the episode, by the way:

That, and it’s a fun show in general that’s not afraid to be silly or nerd out (like in the Captain Planet crossover). But that’s not really surprising, given that it was created by Ian Jones-Quartey, AKA the guy who created the webcomic RPG World.

“red herrings”

Speaking of DC Universe Online, have they fixed it so you can earn trophies on PS4 without having to need a subscription?

There are plenty of people that design “regular” levels, yes. And plenty of levels that are fun experimentations with the toolset (such as the guy who created a calculator in SMM for the WiiU).

Asshole Mario Design is still the best kind of Mario Design. 

Well, in the lead up to Shadowbringers Squeenix *was* giving Heavensward away on both PC and PS4. 

You’ll have to party up for dungeons/trials, but other than that you can solo to your hearts content. Thankfully, partying up is easy thanks to the duty finder, which allows you to register for a dungeon/trial and then go do whatever you want until it can match you up with suitable party members. And at level 30, you

You gotta love a localization team that sneaks in a “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?” reference. Honestly, the only localization team that’s better is the guys who handle the Yakuza series. 

Absolutely. I would suggest picking up a cheap keyboard and mouse at some point, but that’s to compliment the controller (not replace it) as the game controls really well with a controller.