
When I heard that Tamron was getting removed from Today and that Kelly was taking over, I knew Tamron wasn’t going to take that shit. And I don’t blame her. I mean, I’m happy that Kelly left Fox and I’m glad she spoke out against Murdoch, but I’m sad that Tamron was the collateral damage. I love Tamron and I hope she

I like his stuff.

The longtime Clinton haters at Judicial Watch (I’m looking for the highest estimate) speculate that the trip Michelle took to Spain cost half a million dollars, and the right wing pitched a fit over “modern day Marie-Antoinette.” But now Melabia spends that same amount every day before lunch just to continue living

Cheney and the Kochs are too old-school... they don’t want to see the American government burned to the ground, they think they can still use it to their advantage to make fuckwads of dough as they have for decades. Trump and Bannon literally want to see society crash so they can be in power to build it the way they

For fucks sake, don’t want an abortion..........don’t get one!

You make a good point but...

I didn’t even touch the surface. Drumphf is the opposite of King Midas. For everything he touches, instead of gold, it turns to shit. To steal a line from Reagan, instead, of’a shiny beacon on the hill’, it will be a shitty outhouse on the hill by the time he is done.

Senator Roberts unless you brought enough for the whole class, please put it away.

I think it’s more the Russian blackmail angle that has people upset. In contrast, Trump supporters, who are more likely to be anti-gay and shocked by fetishes, are probably not fazed by any aspect of it. And, of course, anti-Trump folks are going to use the opportunity to take the piss out of him.

If wingnuts can believe Obama is a socialist communist Muslim from Kenya, I can believe the Russians have a Trump sex tape. Which seems more likely?

Yea these two obviously are compromised too. This morning they were gushing about Jarred Kushner.

And she’s never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down

To be fair I would have the same reaction to a man posting a similar picture. I have no issues with nudity, but I have issues with extreme and blatant THIRST.

That’s what I don’t get. He seems to be vain as hell, but NOTHING about him would indicate that. His hair is a joke, his skin is unnatural, he’s overweight, and he wears terrible-fitting clothes. Or do NPDs also have a kind of body dysmorphia where they look in the mirror and see hotness where there is none?

Agreed, but she’s failing miserably. Also, can we talk about how all of the ladies defended Erika in their interviews but mocked her when they were with Dorit? Even Eileen let me down with the “Crotch Chronicles.”

And isn’t it funny how Trumpers are all about cutting foreign aide but not to Israel? Kind of like how they think all unions should be abolished but not cop or fire unions. It’s almost as if they aren’t ideologically consistent

(raises hand). Rachel was incredulous the whole time, because KAC was LYING like a fucking envelope.

most punchable face in Washington

Dems need to learn that punching left isn’t going to win any elections. Blaming Bernie is dumb and misguided, it was the Dems own fault for going all in on a candidate with approval ratings almost as low as Trump’s, was percieved as completely untrustworthy, and who was in the middle of an ongoing FBI investigation.

Umm, you know Obama is still president right? You also know that Hillary released this statement during her campaign: