Jesus, you can't source a new alternator from Audi?
Jesus, you can't source a new alternator from Audi?
Biggest challenge with is design appears to be the location of the timing belt. Curious, how often the tbelt requires at tweek?
Hmm, and there it is, your critique of America and American culture...
After seeing one in a couple of weeks ago I've come to the conclusion that it's one of those cars that looks the part in person.
That color is hard on the eyes. Like the design for the most part
Awesome looking car. Can't wait to see it in the flesh
If it was legit, would it kill the guy vacuum up a bit?
Present day Detroit is a bit like GM circa 1997 perhaps even caused by it. You have to care to make it work. It took GM 35 years after they stopped caring, to fail. If GM can make a comeback, Detroit can too. Diversification and good leadership will be key.
Boeing made this a very hard plane to wreck