Finally I can leave my kids in the back with the windows rolled up and doors locked without some snarky white knight coming and breaking my window for the fourth time.
Finally I can leave my kids in the back with the windows rolled up and doors locked without some snarky white knight coming and breaking my window for the fourth time.
Ransom demands included a new coffee maker and access to the Stargate.
Afterwards when NASA refused to give the planes back and sent the message “finders keepers” to the USAF, that’s when the problems began.
Police shooting windshields is just their latest pushback against the calls for transparency.
Was the windshield tinted black?
We didn’t have online multiplay back then so we couldn’t harm anyone but ourselves...
I’d like to posit the theory that the safest vehicles are brown, diesel, manual, volvo wagons from the 80s. If everyone drove such a vehicle, the risk of a high speed collision is effectively zero.
I was a contractor at JBA in 2014...was leading a meeting in an Air Force conference room, went to close the door, and someone in the hallway pointed a pistol at me and fired two shots and ran away, followed by two base police offers in pursuit. Everyone in the room started screaming and hiding under the tables, but I…
See? If everyone on that military base were armed, this sort of thing wouldn’t happen!
Stealthy Shades of Grey.
If your shiftier needs an instructional video...
Aren’t the B-2s $2 Billion Each?
Welcome to the Internet.
A very fun font for a very fun story about the death of 705 men.
Oh yes. And I probably won’t stop.