
but the Gundams don’t see anything because they aren’t alive!

Nonetheless, that didn’t stop the agency from lying and saying that it worked, even spreading falsehoods in the news, he said.

You don’t even have to read particularly fast to knock out a book in 7 days.

I was thinking the opposite. With all the automated systems, and zero tolerance/no appeal, it might be surprisingly difficult to get that to someone who can do anything (and cares to).

As someone who works on software, I get anxious when other developers look at what I do before it’s ready.

Has anyone ever said there are too many games set in England

AC3 and a tie in comic may have killed off the momentum, but it was obvious since (at least) half way through the AC2 trilogy that they had no idea what they were doing with it in the first place.

Most of the time games aren’t on days long timers like AC.

Pretty sure an Xbox UI overhaul is coming soon.

President declares half the country a threat to democracy

Even before a commentary on Rolland’s voices, Rick & Morty, whatever...

Realistically, adding 11 minutes to a 148 minute movie I don’t have memorized, will result in at least half of that being completely unnoticed. It’ll break even to being the exact same quality of movie, neither better nor worse, just unnoticeably longer.

It’s dominated for a few weeks, but it seems it needs to go months to get the kind of return Netflix is expecting.

Use cases for Pins: (that are not groups as that’s already covered)

Steam, GOG, Xbox, PS5, Switch.

I’ve been trying to hold out for the official Steam Dock, just because I don’t want to get multiple.

I was also confused by the plug and originally thought it was a reference to a phone charger, which made no sense. Then something clicked inside my brain and I got it: hook up.

Yes, but for everything aside from the top tier of games you probably wont actually notice. Indies, retro games, games over 10 years old, should all play flawlessly off the SD card.

Step 0: Get a SD card (you’ll want this for gaming anyways, so it’s not part of desktop setup IMO)

Video games can be problematic without being influencing.