
You can also skip ahead and download straight from the Play Store if you know the game is on there. You know, such as from a list like this lmao.

Just found out that Netflix has Into the Breach on Android, so I’ve finally played a Netflix game.

Super Large Company trying to merge/acquire Large Company.

As a consolation, situations like this at least get to be a bullet point for someone’s personal self-realization down the line.

Sadly, it’s not even close.

Sigh, this again.

They’ve been putting adult NPC back in the series for over a decade now. Can’t assume, since any gym leader has a reasonable chance of being an adult.

Then they ask for transmog. What’s the solution here?

Even badly distributed as it was I still found Megas more (casually) interesting than Z moves and Dynamaxing.

To be fair, “best implementation” doesn’t mean shit if the content isn’t good. (I think the current content is still fine overall, but it’s too easy to get fixated on the coming/going so I can’t be too hard)

Person A spends 3 cars worth on a video game.
Person B says Person A can fuck themself.
Person C says Person B is the real problem.
Person D says Person B is in fact correct and Person A can fuck themselves.

I never LIKED my job, but at least I was learning/growing.

Probably not fraud if it’s just technical difficulties. Actually it worked, in that he paid and won. Just too well and that broke the system. Would probably only be fraud if it was malicious or at least intentional.

But damage to the strip isn’t a downside.

Some may argue it’s not actually a kids game, just because it can be played by kids. At least it never started as one.

In the general sense, I would argue against zero tolerance policy. (For starters it’s rarely true). But I wont today.

To be fair, if the game is under 5 years old you’re more likely now to get some half assed SEO optimized blog with regurgitated drivel when googling now.

Post ironic meme bait?

I think my point (it’s still early in the morning for me), is that while the MCU is an interconnected abomination, it doesn’t represent all of superhero movies. DC tried interconnected and... it didn’t impress, but they’ve also been doing independent in the meantime.

On Interconnectedness: