
I mean, the Steam deck is fine, and I’ve touched the back buttons and haven’t broken anything.

Perhaps because you don’t generally see them when playing, the author didn’t even think their appearance was important when talking about them?

I mean, there are in fact people who don’t watch TV/Movies. Sitting in front of screen isn’t universal.

It’s literally an 80 second announcement video.

I’m pretty sure that feature length movie everyone keeps posting has already reached peak saturation with anyone receptive to it.

The organizers probably don’t care. They’ll take the money, without taking a stand.

Bruh, people dropping hashtags on platforms that don’t support it is just a trend. It’s done intentionally.

Of course, in small doses it’ll probably be fine. Sitting outside with a refurbished launch switch on a 100+ day, playing the very fan intense SMT:V, seemed too be doing okay.

More likely they expected exactly this, and the large settlement that comes with.

That’s generally an issue of Trademark and dilution.

Does the GOP need Trump anymore? No.

Was the entire system really predicated on having exclusive access for being first? If so they might as well just start dismantling the satellites and packing it in now.

The bulky headsets and lack of sensory feedback are pretty much deal breakers, before even considering if the idea might have merits.

Fortunately you generally don’t lose your ability to get motion sick, it’s just the headset specifically you get desensitized to. Shouldn’t have any permanent effect either (VR resistance does fade if you’re inclined to motion sickness)

While I still enjoy indie games, the indie boom around the Xbox 360 era when everything was a metaphor for depression has left me permanently jaded.

Ranked feed just shows me the same 4 people, and same 5 posts from days ago. Which has caused me to check less often, which has caused those high ranked posts (that clearly I didn’t interact with because I must have just not noticed) to pop up even more, causing me to check less often...

All we wanted, was a fucking co-op Fallout game. Fallout 4.5, with 2-4 player co-op. Could even have a single player as the host/GM, or whatever Divinity 2 did the year before.

Sony probably already got their bump for this title (probably two bumps if you count the PS5 upgrade), very few people are probably holding out for Spider-Man at this point.

I guess, it can be frustrating if you bought into the console for it’s exclusives, and suddenly they’re not exclusive.

Honestly I thought we already knew and covered this because it’s happened so many times.