
[Company With Occasional Hit]’s New Shooter is More [Boring Shooter] Than [Interesting Shooter], But Not in a Good Way.

Shortest answer: It’s a game NYT paid 7 figures for.

Existing IP law already covers digital reproduction. Making said reproduction into an NFT doesn’t fundamentally change that.

Split the difference.

I mean (10 yr old spoiler) in the Dark Knight Rises he’d basically been depressed for 8 years? Sure he was at least successful (until he wasn’t), but Batman being a bit broken after only 2 unsuccessful years on the job is still within reason.

Honestly, it really feels like this was always the plan. Overvalue the company, pretend short term growth rate is sustainable, get funding, and bail.

I mean, they could have just... not?

I’ll raise you that while blockchain legitimately is impressive, NFT have poisoned the well to where we may never see a good implementation of it, no matter what could in theory exist.

Wouldn’t be surprised if they drop the numbering, like God of War (2018) and a million other games have in the last decade.

When I first started looking into blockchain, the idea was that standards would become emergent, not decided on by above but by natural selection.

The most amazing thing about NFT, is that none of the things people want NFT for are actually things that require NFT. Cross game hats require each game to implement them NFT or not and are possible with current systems, and the ability to trade digital items (with or without unique IDs) already exists.

Jackass is more of a state of mind. Jackass the Video Game is any multiplayer game when you and your friends have decided to just fuck off on the objective and try to fuck with eachother.

The action queue is great for PVE but probably wouldn’t survive PVP as is. Extended trainer battles feel like just a series of trading OHKOs.

There are, they mention people from other regions having seen and using pokemon.

I’ve mentioned to a few people that it’s kinda weirdly colonial in a problematic way. The aesthetics borrowed from the American West don’t help.

Picross is my go to flight game.

Personally I’m so used to AAA devs fucking it up that I was honestly shocked.

It's an origin story so you should be fine.

ELO is a measure of skill, in this case how much Magnus, already in first, is better than his opponents? And he wants to raise this number to say how much better he is?

I like doing the quests to make people happy. I don't even check the rewards since whatever they are I don't need.