
There have been a few honestly really fun 2D worms games. At it’s peak I wouldn’t have called the idea mediocre at all, since simpler ideas have been worthwhile.

He’s not actually increasing your storage though, just showing you more advanced packing techniques, to get more items in the same space. Presumably his teaching is more complex than “miniaturize item, shift it to the left”. So fitting more items in the same space is going to get exponentially more complex.

The crafting station in town and at camps uses your storage. The field crafting kit should be a last resort, not a first choice.

I mean while we obviously can’t literally prove intent, we can probably rule these “beyond a reasonable doubt”, if someone wanted to prove it...

I’d raise it to 5 tiers*, which is basically the 4 tier setup FPS games (see: Halo Infinite) have had for decades where there is a “hard” mode with some challenge between “normal/as intended” and “impossible”, but with a “story/super easy” added where it is literally impossible to die without falling off a cliff or

If it’s good enough for my child or non-gaming partner I condescend to, it’s good enough for regular viewers of a video game blog.

I think I spent $50 to hit the double pity on the Venti early on when I still had a stash of free currency. The prospect of doing that again* every banner I might want was what helped me drop the game. That and I had finished all the content at the time and it got grindy.

I would have absolutely already bought one if it was opaque, my favorite part of masks is people NOT seeing my face.

They did. The most commonly cited reason was that taxis objected (200X they still had power), but honestly it seems like the city, mayor, and even company running it don't actually care.

Since conservatives got away with co-opting “my body my choice” = “no mask mandate” with very little pushback, I expect it to get only more egregious from here.

Lmao, it would take like, 30 seconds max to come up with some half assed justification that would satisfy exactly 100% of bootlickers.

On the opposite end of YouTube caving to any takedown request and verifying it later, Roblox likely makes too much off obvious infringement and probably requires rights holders to jump though excessive hoops before they’ll even be bothered to look into it.

Taco bell, from memory has killed.

Considering that likely won’t happen (their primary demo likely doesn’t come here), there is another option.

Yes, but, that’s a federal bill and doesn’t affect me in the Southwest so...

I’m not trying to argue semantics of trust. I’m saying there isn’t a single AAA developer, even with a perfect track record that I would give the leeway of waiting “until the trust is broken”.

Should never “trust” a company to begin with. And as usual “never pre-order yada yada"

This is the system failing, not just weird people.

Wouldn’t that just make it 6x exp since they took away the split?

Star Fox 64 is probably the peak of the series.