
It’s personalized and seems to be intent based, which should cover most of it. Unless you have such a low opinion of your handwriting that you visualize it poorly, it should still work.

My answer to this was to just play as FemShep. I knew I was bi pretty early so it was great being able to kinda sorta pick either gender as a partner in the first game. As a guy, I had no issue seeing myself as FemShep.

Exactly my pick.

I was born in the 90s, so in the mid 2000's I was peak impressionable.

Honestly, I recall hearing the same thing about the Sega decades ago. Aside from (allegedly) Nintendo, it’s always been “common knowledge” that the consoles are wildly unprofitable.

I want to say that Windows 8.1 with some extensive tweaks was somewhat usable, which might be true.

Whenever Tesla comes to my campus to solicit students, the main selling point isn’t hours, benefits, future prospects.

Full version here, literally opens with the tired iPhone criticism.

I think this has caused me to not claim as many “free” things, so generally now when I get the emails, even for something free, I’m at least aware I recently ‘bought’ a free thing.

My bar for what I want Windows to do keeps getting lower.

See, I didn’t know they were an option, since no post ever mentions them, and they didn’t seem to come up on basic searches (at least not before Google starts showing me suspicious looking crap).

because our advertising policies prohibit ads that assert that you have a specific medical condition or sexual orientation

FWIW, the major diamond manufacturers claim they no longer stockpile.

Sweeny’s long game is both incredibly obvious, and wildly esoteric.

In the worst cases, I agree, the consumer technology already exists.

So if you don’t have a Galaxy or an Apple, is your only option Tile...

I don’t know what I’d do if Nintendo stopped shoveling games into the eShop like coal into a hungry train engine every week.

Thank you. I legit could not enjoy this story without knowing if he was one of those kind of assholes.

This is of course, great news for medical science.

You are correct.