
Dear Reverb

Either this has the mother of all compression, or this will absolutely murder your data caps.

For cartoons/anime, it didn’t seem too bad. The issue seemed more like storage space than resolution. To be fair I slept on the GBA video players, and did my watching on the super high quality DS video players (256x192).

For a TV show you’re going to background watch once and never again, 480p is probably fine.

There was 4 lines, but the stickers my vaccination site used ended up taking 1.5 lines each. I have maybe one usable line left, if boosters are needed they will probably need to give out new cards to a lot of people anyways.

Should I just skip this series?

I think that box has already been opened. Without actually punishing people for being openly racist, which cause “free speech” there’s no repercussions* for the 95% of the shit they say. They’ve learned there is an audience for the worst filth, and if anyone says anything they can just cry about Biden’s Cancel Culture

I’d settle for spamming the button (something I do anyways) if it means no on screen indicator ever.

Carlson’s troll game is better. He’s less likely to show weakness or admit wrongdoing. He can say things which a literal child could tell you are factually 100% incorrect, and he’ll be on the next thing before anyone has a chance to call him out.

The country has been Gerrymandered for so long, and representation is so broken (particularly electoral college/senate), that they no longer have to appeal across the aisle, or even to moderates.

I thought we finally gave up on the “phone gaming is going to kill consoles” 5-10 years ago. This is worse as it’s tied directly to Apple.

I once tried to park a delivery vehicle in a parking garage that was too low. The refrigeration unit on top scraped one of those lower clearance cement lines on the ceiling on a bump and I realized I fucked up. I managed to escape without any notable damage. (There was no visible clearance bar)

On PS4 there was a way to completely disable the notification, so an incredibly delayed sound would be the only feedback (not great for knowing if the screenshot took, but eh). Does PS5 not have that option?

The issue isn’t that the companies can’t do it, Sisolak just wants to make sure it happens in the beautiful state of Nevada.

I remember Thor 1 being... overall not great?

Honestly, a lot of PC ports felt like controllers were mandatory for over a decade now. Sure everything is technically playable, but a lot of them aren’t very good.

Two thoughts.

“Delta and Coca-Cola and Major League Baseball need to realize that about half of the country is Republicans and we’re not very happy with them right now,”

Law of large numbers would probably save them even without any mitigations in place.

I’ll probably repeat this next week (since I only noticed this “tell us” post 2 days late after anyone cares), but I finally got Digimon Cyber Sleuth (complete bundle, Switch).