
There was a lot of pushback on Michael Harriot’s piece “Maybe America is Racist”

If you have any money invested in AT&T/Warner you absolutely do care how accurate the numbers are.

Not trying to knock them, at least not too hard. I keep them around because they’re good to zone out when I need that. Beaten the entire 3DS series and half the Switch series so far. So I’m very much still a fan overall.

Haven’t made it to S5 yet, but through all the 3DS ones and S1-2 on the Switch, so far only a few of the MEGA puzzles in the various games have taken any more than the basic system.

Sweet, good looking out.

Picross is nice to zone out, but once you’ve worked out a system pretty much every puzzle solves itself and requires no thinking.

Considering I already have an Instax Mini and the photo paper, I’m probably going to get this...

It’s so weird seeing Microsoft doing this big push to pretend to be allies of the consumer when they have to fight their own systems to bring basic features like not charging a second fee for f2p games.

I supposed the 3 biggest possible hinderances are:

...where there are a discrete number of times to operate in...

I don’t think the CPSC has jurisdiction over firearms, or they probably actually would want to do something.

On copyright grounds, they’re probably safe.

I was honestly thinking that exact thing about the original Evangellion anime (haven’t seen the new ones). Between the weird anime obsession with giving hormonal teens weapons of war, and the sci-fi obsession with Christian symbolism, both taken to ridiculous extremes (the mecha are literally reliant on pubescents

I don’t get it either, but when I check the LEGO section at Walmart/Target it seems to have fairly low stock regularly. Never completely out, but definitely consistent popularity, more than other sets LEGO has kept around.

If HD does bankruptcy and restructuring, I think there might actually be enough new shitty people into the racism mobile to support them operating at a lower capacity.

Without sci-fi tech to send impulses directly to the brain, the limits of classical emulation of senses are pretty known.

Fairly certain it’s directly responsible for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the first Great War.

It’s a very weird spot, where it’s getting the attention of a big name top tier release, when it’s probably just upper B-tier at best. It seems to be a function of timing and that fact that the amount put into it, doesn’t really lend it to any pre-existing categories, so it benefits from a higher tier of attention

Her resignation, written with the benefit of time and oppournity, did nothing to address any wrong doing, and how she enjoyed every moment of being an office. It was not written under duress or any sort of stress. With the benefit of time, she chose the words, to give no indication of regret for her actions.

Additionally, I’m almost certain one could find endless examples of people crossing exactly that line.