
They’re on opposite sides of the belt. They weight different, have a different trigger, and she’s had 26 goddamn years of handling them.

No, it’s on me.

I was being incredibly hyperbolic. The internet has destroyed irony.

If it’s not obvious, those were sarcastic quotes. When I checked comments were already filling with “suddenly we can’t say the word porn”, as if that was ever the problem.

Artist makes bad joke.

More likely just bad taste.

Every time I hear someone talking about how excited they are to go back to normal, my first response is “until the next one”.

By the time they could, it was probably too late.

Not even a little.

You’re making me really want to get back into Magic, and my bank account has been so grateful I’ve been not playing any physical TCG this last year...

Just rename it, something like “Adult Mutant Turtle Penis”. That low effort shit seems to work for those Halloween costumes, so It’ll cover any association from Nintendo, and confuse TMNT fans.

I can’t argue for or against that. All I can say is that applying the morals and ethics of today to people who lived and died 250 years ago does not make them racists by their standards. Just ours.

Carr (who may or may not be an actual human-like android from the future loaded with all the knowledge that ever existed) was using the concept known as Occam’s Razor. In the fields of science, economics, or any reason-based pursuit of understanding, researchers adhere to this time-honored principle which states:


There are a few RPG that I’ve been at the final boss underleveled, and honestly I’ve just given up and looked up the ending.

With the exception of Pokémon ironically enough, I am absolutely 100% in the “burn it all down” camp.

They’ll turn that boat around and wedge it right back in the canal.

CE DX will play on Windows PC, and the entire Xbox line. As well as Android TV. So about half the modern systems.

Depending on how pedantic you want to be, nearly nothing “free” in modern society truly is. The classics Facebook and Google don’t cost capital to use but you do absolutely pay in hella valuable information.

“Cancel Culture(TM) is RUINING EVERYTHING, how DARE people use their voice to express displeasure at something, I’m literally triggered and it’s KILLING ME”