
I think even Satanic Panic peaked with video games in the 90s, and since then it’s just been remakes/remasters.

Shadow the Hedgehog (2005)

Maybe they’re just VERY high quality photos, but that doesn’t translate across our sad Earth screens?

The one thing I would miss is music.

I managed to run out of space on mine with only a single game (Pacman 256), nothing saved for offline (if that’s an option even?), and no Plex (haven’t gotten around to it). It’s almost criminal how little space is on it...

My only thought is that they’re REALLY trying to maximize battery, or maybe they ran some focus tests and found people didn’t even notice the difference?

The closest I’ve come is a few games I’ve beaten the story, and I’ll come back years later to 100% when I have some free time.

The current bar is “do we really think this CAN be fixed?”

It’s interesting because while MS doesn’t seem like they give a shit about the console war anymore, they don’t actually seem to be doing any worse off for it, probably saving a shit ton on marketing too.

Gameboy data is GB + GBC courtesy of Nintendo, since that’s what they provide. They only beat out PS4 and Wii (not PS2) if you count it combined, which I said... Hence it was only ever a cool footnote.

Not sure how much bearing an 8 yr old system, beating the sales record of a 15 yr old system, when both are beaten by a 21 yr old system*, has on now or the future...

I mean, maybe. If you work near a machine you hit daily, 5 days a week x 4 weeks = 20 cokes x $1.50ea = $30. So like, even only using it 5/7 days comes out ahead. Better if there’s any additional markup.

I mean, we can have both, pretty sure they’re different teams at the same company.

I think we’re about on the same page.

I’d be inclined to agree, except Apple survives as a premium brand not really competing with Android, and is for a device that is basically a necessity.

I’d say I don’t think Sony and MS are even playing the same game anymore. It looks to me like MS is putting 99% of their focus on improving the value of Game Pass, to get the subscriptions and the steady income. Everything else, including even having a next gen system, is just secondary to that goal.

Sony put it all into a big launch with big changes and the next gen is BIG.

It’s not that a government couldn’t conceivably do that,the question is whether that is more likely than just anti authoritarian edge lords got too obsessed with fiction and missed the point till they’ve destroyed any validity of it’s message.

Realistically is more train wreck with some moments of pure (presumably accidental) insight and genius to throw off the haters. Some scenes the fans can rally behind while literally 75% of the movie is agreed to be utter crap.

I’ve found this on DVD at thrift stores/pawn shops on two separate occasions.