
Games built using Unreal or Unity at least have the benefit that those engines are always being updated, independent of any specific studio’s deadlines.

Yeah... doens’t look like it.

I was just in the market for a Cricut too, but that handicapping of ‘free’ users of their premium product... Realistically I might not even hit their limits if I get bored of it too quickly, but I’d rather not even chance that.

It doesn’t seem anyone is interested in open source drivers, this might change people’s minds, but it will not be anytime soon.

As both a NIN fan and a fan of the original Quake, I never really registered the OST as anything more than industrial ambiance. I knew they did the music but I never sought it out.

How does the mic compare to the Sony Wireless Gold. My biggest complaint with every $100 wireless headphones I’ve tried is the mic has been somewhere between objectively bad and absolute shit.

I have a pair of wireless gold headphones, and have been upset that I can’t use them with my Switch, without ever even thinking of bothering to try...

Nope, that’s a false equivalence.

The only way HD will get younger people in any numbers is if they permanently and irrevocably distance themselves from the racist/xenophobic/homophobic/nazi imagery.

PC specs aren’t standardized, as proprietary engines attempt to do specific things, edge cases may happen which causes something to break. Similarly, what appears to “work” for a couple configurations may not scale to all configurations.

Unless I’m misremembering the WiiU game (haven’t gotten that far yet in the Switch ver due to life), we have free attack when uncostumed which is also an extra jump. Very much beats out Peach’s hover.

My favorite burger at a place I can no longer dine (for now due to covid) had a fried egg on it.

The battery and mic exist outside the ear, and thus are subject to design/aesthetic considerations.

Investor reads into something that was absolutely not said or even implied, regrets investment choices, attempts to sue to recoup losses.

Also OP as fuck.

The music is a nice touch, but I think the lack of him staring dead eyed at the camera ruins the Oblivion vibe.

To be fair, he only became a massive tool after he lost the main character spot, and honestly the shifting labyrinth of Crete conceptually makes a bit more sense for a rougelike...

You know, an actual photo of the flag the “wrong way” woulda gone a long way for the article for context.

The two characters I play in 3D World: Toad, and (once they’re unlocked) the bonus 5th character...

Short term the plan sounds like to release games on all platforms, short term gains off of those that buy the game outright (specially on Playstation), long term growth of their Xbox Game Pass brand, which is clearly more important to them then anything else (for good reason).