
This generation, Microsoft absolutely does not care if you buy an XBox. It’s an option for those who want it, but it’s not their priority.

Wasn’t complete, already followed up with a few (sports, anime).

Voice Options to whatever the original spoken language is, if applicable.
Subtitles to all dialog, not just important. (But not quite captioning every sound).
Difficulty to one level above ‘normal’, whether that’s max or not.

We know why people are selling, that’s not interesting.

I had just woken up and forgotten about wrestling and anime, 2 staples of my teenage years. My bad.

I think Paramount+ will replace CBS All Access, but I don’t think it’s there yet. People who’ve tried it say there is a lot missing still.

For what little it’s worth, Gizmodo editorial staff doesn’t seem to be in good terms with Gizmodo management and they probably aren’t happy about it either.

In no particular order I know
Prime Video
and I guess CBS All access

I’m going to finally beat* Breath of the Wild if it fucking kills me.

When Kamoshida was abusing kids in Persona 5, none of the administrators stepped in, even in the face of overwhelming evidence. It calcified this idea that adults are either clueless or complicit.

Honestly, if ever a time to break it out of storage, maybe soft reboot, and finish up the story it might be now.

I think, in addition to being on the upper end of VGA, people have started getting more precise and accounting for upscaling in our pixel art. Since they know (and can enforce) that it’ll be upscaled in a specific pixel perfect way, it influences how we create pixel art.

I thought VGA allowed for an arbitrary 16/256 (we’ll assume 16 here) colors at any one time, which might be about exactly what this is.

I played the demo and it’s at a weird place that idk if I want to put much time into.

Shit, I do the same when making cosplay.

Yup, just let the user pick the pronoun, don’t tie it to literally anything. If someone wants to pick every femme option and would still like he/him, that’s literally hurting no one to allow.

I love him, I really do. Easily top 5 mascot characters.

Frankly, I think Teddie was kinda annoying, and as a general rule I think most properties would benefit from not having the “mascot” character as part of the main cast, particularly when they have absolutely insufferable quirks (Even “baby Yoda” gets close to this in the infamous scenes from Season 2). As far as the

Being ‘x86 based’ means little, as very few emulators are working on a machine instruction level for... a lot of reasons. Instead they’re starting from scratch emulating the OS and system calls, which means it’s almost entirely a factor of interest, of which there is little.

Yes, but that largely falls under “piracy”. Most people don’t care if they’re games you already own in some form, but that doesn’t make it legal (unless you’ve ripped them yourself).