
Not that it’ll do any good for this story. That’s the first after market modification people will do.

If you were around and remember mid 2000's anime fandubs, where an episode can get cranked out in under a weekend, with translators notes dropped for things that are too hard to localize (90% of puns and words that don’t translate easily), it’s easy to think that’s how it should be.

Nevermind there is a lot more into localization than just recording lines. They’ve already decided on an English dub, using the English cast of Persona 5.

It was the localization team, who already had to find English voices anyways, not the Japanese branch of either studio.

At first I was like, “I don’t hear it”

What in the bad faith are you talking about? What hate mob? What ruining his life?

I’d say 50/50 on the camera. Quest has shown that external tracking isn’t inherently necessary, but Vive has shown that in a premium setup the external tracking is still better and less prone to drift*. Marketwise, Playstation VR is aiming for something in middle of those two, so while I’d personally hope they’d try

In [Smash Bros], guest characters bring their own music, combat moves, gameplay quirks, sound effects, and more to the experience.

Franchise created by shitty person with projects to directly profit shitty person is being lead by *checks notes* different shitty person.

No one is accusing him of a crime.

The only two honest reasons I can think of (so aside from greed), would be either:
A) an incompatable feature set (characters, mechanics, etc), which seems unlikely given that cross play is supposed to be a thing?
B) an engine overhaul of a significant enough degree to alienate a large population of their fanbase. I’d

Republicans who actually like Lincoln? Few probably

Spain, China, and Russia aren’t the ones making the game tho. There’s plausible deniability for all of that (I mean, not really, but lets pretend...)

I just don’t understand why this stuff is ever considered to be anything besides a project that absorbs time and money.

Maybe we have different definitions of conventional projectile... See, Fornite is mostly Firearms. I’d think Energy blasts, Shields, ecto packs, Batterangs, etc would NOT count.

If Steam were an active participant/defendant, that information may be available in discovery.

No, not really, just 26 years or so.

Zelda’s GC games saw HD actual ports on the WiiU (And Majora’s 3DS version was great too). That might be more work to port again to the Switch than the Mario Wii/GC collection, but I really doubt they’d release the ‘inferior’ versions of their classics.

Shit, maybe. But I think Nintendo being cheap, you’d probably still have to drop one of those.

Since the WiiU versions of WW and TP were already re-releases, I can’t imagine either getting a re-re-release until at least after a Switch hardware refresh.