
Honestly, I kinda hate the score system, and the crown.

The power company, which you pay for power, doesn’t owe you power.

Android OS(2008), being Java based originally, would probably something new outside of Chrome. Still decade+ ago

Atlus knows their audience is international (P5 was supposed to be a globe trot originally). Whether or not you believe Japan changed enough, public opinion has globally has. 3 years can be a very long time in the age of the internet.

UnFun fact: it’s mostly dead plants, very few dinosaurs in our oil.

Sure, the characters themselves also “look Ghibli,” but unlike the cell-shaded depiction of the studio’s style in Ni no Kuni, trying to achieve the kind of undefined clumpy hair the studio’s hand-drawn characters have makes their locks look like Play-Doh in CG.

As bad as lootboxes and F2P games can be, none really descend into that territory of manipulation.

Yes, but the Yusuke one was beaten over the head as a plot point for days on end, before being quickly swept away. I’d say it ranks high as one of the worse examples.

1 dancing game (3-5 all got one) and 1 arena game (the second one was more of a crossover). The Q games were crossovers.

I think the gay men = predators was toned down (tho not removed) in the Royal version. I don’t know if that would make it into a game released today (but then, the industry lives to disappoint), so at least they seem to understand the problem there.

Sigh, obviously the gameplay of P5 is the height of the series, but I really think I liked the crew from P4 better and wish they had more spinoffs.

I don’t know if that’s the reason. But it is the reason I bought it and contributed to that number.

Even the nearly four-year-old Switch exclusive The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild sold better.

I believe the lack of buttons is referring to the gaming mouses with 12+ buttons on the left side (Corsair Scimitar pictured). Mouse 4 & 5 I think we’ve all just accepted as a society.

30% is probably a good starting estimate. It’s true often enough.

It’s funny because the REALLY old games were tied to CPU cycles, expecting to be run only on a machine of certain power, and would run as fast as possible. If you’ve ever had a DOS game go crazy, that’s why.

Counterpoint: Namco Bandai using kickstarter doesn’t make CDPR using it better.

I think it’s a FINE casting?

It depends on the game.

I want to say that my 360 controller has just recently started to drift.