
What I know:
The ending boils down to 3 choices (possibly color coded?). They’re unsatisfying in that it kinda doesn’t matter the journey you took to get there, which after everything else seems to acknolodge it, feels like a gut punch.

Wait, weren’t you the one who referred to them as a kid?

Often yes? At least with ransomware, the people responsible generally keep their word, so that more people pay in the future. 

What are the odds it’s an inside job, to get the source code leaked, so the community can fix their broken games for them? /s

It’s been over a year since the Epic store launched, the first timed exclusives have hit Steam.

If the fallout from the Fallout mod has shown us anything, it’s that it’s a very different skillset to make mods then it is to make wholly new content.

Epic continues to do the thing that platforms have been doing since literally forever. More at 11.

E3 is more of a season now, a state of mind. It’s “Summer Games Reveal Time”.

not being able to watch your Lord of the Rings 4k is some first world stuff.

Final Fantasy XIV-2

I think a few games it’s made it to “okay” status, where there are other more pressing annoyances.

Should you be surprised? No, and FWIW I guess this isn’t “news” in that sense...

How big are kei vans exactly? Because I have physically no frame of reference.

It’s not that I dislike the concept, I just cannot see that working reliably/comfortably.

I think “we can’t change the animations; just the camera”, should give a good indication of how difficult it is. If the content was cut any time in development before it was 100% ready, I’m not really sure it’d be feasible to put back in.

If they give the game a month in advance, and put the gag 2 weeks out, that would give enough time for every reviewer to properly check out the game (so no one gets to be “first”), and allow people enough time to digest the reviews and decide if they should preorder.

I knew there was more and I kept checking if someone had more in the comments and I’m not disappointed.

So it is. I wonder when because it wasn’t last time I checked (2-ish weeks ago?). I kinda just gave up on them bothering for a while.

I refuse to watch HBO Max until they bring back Batman: The Brave and The Bold, which didn’t survive the trip from DC Universe to HBO Max.

I guess in the last 5 years Into the Breach has become a comfort for me. It’s the exact level of procedural generated puzzling that appeals to me. It’s hard enough, unpredictable, yet still very winnable. Also I still haven’t gotten gold on every combination so maybe that doesn’t count as a fresh play.