
The biggest problem I remember is when that mission pops, you HAVE to do it right away. You’ve already secretly passed the point of no return, except it doesn’t tell you that (except vaugly saying it’s important), so the longer you wait the worse it gets.

I would be playing Control this weekend, except the PC Xbox Game Pass version is somehow the physically worst version of the game in every respect.

I came into this expecting very little except that I really dig the aesthetic.

Not if there were prior allegations of puppy kicking.

Alleged fraud. Discord is making it clear they take no stance on it and it’s NOT because of “fraud”.

This pretty much captures how I feel about 95% of RPGS

I miss it, but I also miss the printer that went with it.

I don’t think Obsidian wants to. After Fallout 4, Obsidian pretty much accepted that what Bethesda wanted to do with Fallout wasn’t what they wanted. It’s not longer their baby and NV was basically a one last hurrah.

Still mad about the National Record Store Day 7-9 years ago when they dropped the Scott Pilgrim soundtrack on vinyl, and it was all picked up by scalpers, and than it was never seen again.

```“What are you going to do when you’re married and stressed? Tell your wife that you need to play Xbox?”```

Some good shows on the list, but nothing that’ll change your life. Honestly most of these would end up being more work than their worth.

Well it would also hurt console player’s feelings if PC got it free and they didn’t.

Honestly, I think the only viable move after this is to do what Intel/AMD/Nvidia do, where they have an arbitrary generation number, followed by model number, giving it some long yet memorable string.

There’s got to be a happy medium somewhere. Until Facebook’s execs find where that is, they’re going to be left posting harried Twitter clips citing the same vapid privacy promises we’ve been seeing from the company until now.

What even is the “weekend” anymore? Time is just this weird amorphous blob without shape form or meaning. How can the week end when it never truly began? Soon day and night themselves will lose meaning and time will be a singular blur, both infinite and empty.

As one of the biggest anime of the 2000's, it’s kinda wild this got missed. Since SU is already full of anime references, I’d say Peridot was more likely going for Kamina’s look than Garnets.

Did people not sweat before COVID?

Yes, but no.

Unlicensed isn’t pirate tho. It skirts the limits of what is fair use (tho there are a lot of originals), but they’re still generally copyrighted. Which means pirating it is still bad.

Choosing not to host content is not a violation of the 1st amendment. Amazon/Google/Apple have no obligation to give a platform.