
The Coop puzzles, were where the real difficulty was in the vanilla game.

I mean, the reason you know you’re in the minority is the reason you know why they’re doing it.

Least Favorite Jumping: Any time I’m playing a VR game and something is just out of reach, and I forgot I have shitty knees and try to IRL jump and get a VR item.

But for a purely economic example, how many vendors use AWS? What if amazon decided to boot all non-amazon retailers off AWS? They definitely could.

The left has been metaphorically eating itself every 2-4 years. It’s bad, but it’ll be fine.

“Every vendor, from text message services to email providers to our lawyers, all ditched us on the same day,”

In my experience they have slightly less life on a single charge than comparable disposable, but they’ve lasted over an entire console generation. I’ve had to replace my Xbox controllers themselves before I’ve had to physically replace the rechargeable batteries, so it’s been a non-issue.

So the main premise, if I’m reading this right, is that Yoshi is baby, not because of any characterization, but because he looks cutesy and his games are aimed at kids.

I had to sideload it because my mid-tier phone wasn’t supported (ran fine). Then it was never really as exciting as advertised, and honestly there isn’t a lot of room for multiple GPS AR games, so I ended up dropping it. In that time I heard literally nothing about the game, no work being put into marketing it or

The platform being similar to a PC doesn’t make it easy to emulate. Unless the code can be run 1:1 on PC hardware, being close is kinda meaningless, so it basically needs to still be developed from scratch.

If you mean the factions in this article, these are both player made groups, akin to a guild or clan war in a traditional MMO. In that sense, the reasons for the fight are not inherently moral, but more petty, and you absolutely wouldn’t need to align with either.

I used Social Fixer for similar effect.

I’m really hoping that ending to Odyssey is a sign of more to come, where Peach exists as more than just... a sexy lamp I think is the movie trope?

I’m not sure if he means that as a positive/negative/neutral, but it feels negative. Which is a shame, since I thought it was a beautifully done game when I first played in the Game Boy. They didn’t really at any point try to hide the “it’s all a dream”,that’s pretty unconditionally established 1/4 in (in an already

I really enjoyed that one tho. Sure it was recycled, but it was a good package done well to scratch an itch. Would have been a great filler to the next game in the series, except a next game never really came...

I thought we all collectively gave up on the auto runner genre (aside from Temple Run clones) after Super Mario Run showed that no matter how much skill and polish you put into it, it’s a shallow genre with dimensioning returns.

You’ll probably be pretty bombed with single points, which approximately sum up to “a lot of games’ communities permit mods when excessive RNG is required to constantly pull off a single run making trick.”

Kirby has more than once I believe single handedly saved all of reality, or other infinite concepts such as dreams and the like.

This is remarkably similar to a setup I’ve had (2 tiers of space, world, kingdom, city (I don’t think too many main characters fall below city)). I’ve only gotten as far as the Smash lineup, but the ones I’d argue being in what you call cosmic tier are...

I think about SMT series a lot. In the non persona games, the ones with slightly more story choice, they largely do away with the good vs evil dichotomy in fantasy and instead substitute order vs chaos. This is important because agents of chaos aren’t always inherently bad, and agents of order aren’t always inherently