LindsayJoy's MBP is into S+M

Hey Curves! Now we just need Kaiser, SteveDave and about 5 others and it will be 2008 all over again.

Sorry to be slightly off topic, but I can't wait for the new Batman, DC comic (wow wow Wonder Woman!) and Marvel official LEGO to come out! []

Oh you... how you know just what to say. And the Golden Guardian! I love Hitomi! I have 2 of the Golden Tower. The best new Ninjago set, the fortress with the Sensi and the dragon is pretty nice, but it is not as well designed as the Golden Tower in my opinion. I do like the new unique Star Wars figures and the battle

Well, I know I will be bricklink-ing most of Ninjago for the cool skeleton armor and the printed Ninjas, but I find the sets kind of errrrr as a whole much like the pirate sets of two years ago. I wish they would do a Ninja Tic-Tac-toe! Yet I do like the pirates sets considering what they had to work with and the cool

But Lindsay (Bluth) knows exactly where her daughter is at....even if she is on the set of "The Old Man and the Sea". Right?

You can try out Kimono, they have a large version, latex free! I would not recommend lambskin, for they are much less reliable.


@Shamoononon: You are such a tease with all those suggestions of changing your was a crying shame when you were not bedazz...err bestarry. Seriously.

@Curves: Good lord gal, how is the family?

I would like to see Judge Judy try this case.

Rich people aren't always obnoxious. I was horribly over weight in high school until I started getting thinner in the 12th grade, went to fat camp for three years, and my family would get me anything. But nothing would fit other than some shoes which had to be wider than usual, and I could have a Prada backpack. But