
By the way, I showed my boyfriend this comment thread and he proposed to me on the spot. Sorry about your hopes that he'd leave me forever :-(

"Most rape against women/girls is not by force"

I can't say I have ever been in such a situation, since I'm gay.

To engage in discussion, of course. It doesn't help that a certain segment (ahem) of the commenters would rather just insult people they disagree with rather than attack their arguments.

The fact that you keep calling me names rather than offering a coherent argument leads me to believe that you have no real argument of your own. What are you trying to convince me of? That I'm wrong? Calling me names isn't going to work.

I'm still waiting on a cogent thought.

You know that name-calling makes your argument less persuasive, not more persuasive, right? That I think that a man raping a woman is worse than a woman raping a man does not mean that I support rape. Nuance is a thing that exists, you should read up on it.

I didn't twist the words. The fact that women fear sexual assault much more makes sexual assault against women far worse, IMO. Kind of like how if you assault someone because they're black it's considered a worse crime, a hate crime, because it's also an act of intimidation against a whole population of people.

You support vitriol over discourse, moron.

That's pretty hilarious that you left off the first four words of that sentence "I can never say...", then accuse ME of twisting his words. If anyone's the idiot here, it's you.

I too wish ill on people for posting things I disagree with on the internet.

Even the guy who said he was raped said his experience does not compare in any way to what women go through, jeez.

Would you care to point out what was wrong with what I said, or just attack me personally?

I believe I was specifically discussing the case of adult male-on teenage girl vs. adult female on teenage boy. Of course there are outliers, but on average an adult male can overpower a teenage girl and on average, a teenage boy can hold his own against an adult woman. It's a fact of biology that males produce more

Don't worry about it, Im gay, and my boyfriend and I never want kids. You can sleep soundly!

So rape is when 2 people choose to have sex and the internet decides it's rape, then? I don't know how you can call it nonconsensual when all the male has to do is get up and leave.

But that's not an actual rape. It was a hypothetical. Words are hard, huh?

Sure. They're pretty much random though, and I can't imagine someone forcing me to have one, let alone a woman.

I never said it wasn't rape. My point is that they are like an order of magnitude apart on the "fucked up" scale, since one at least requires some level of active participation from the victim, and the other does not.

It is mechanically impossible. That phrase "pushing a rope uphill" comes to mind.