
Yeah, I guess I'm just too damn insular to start exposing myself to abuse so I can make more valid assumptions about pointless stupidity.

I think there's a certain point past which you can't reasonably considered a victim; when you just keep exposing yourself to an abuser that you could easily avoid, you are no longer a victim and simply a fool.

Maybe if we as a society stopped treating self-destructive behavior as something worthy of pity rather than stupidity that should be shamed, this wouldn't happen. The only motive I can imagine for someone to return to their abuser so many times is because they enjoy the sympathy and attention they get from their

I stopped feeling bad for her when she made it absolutely clear that she just really likes and wants to be with an abusive asshole. Maybe being treated like shit actually makes her happy?

Didn't his mother teach him to clean up after himself? There's no excuse for that. By the way, I am a guy who sits down to pee and it is way cleaner and easier.

You're a goddamn moron if you think that the effect of marijuana is worse than the effect of getting locked up for using it.

Lol, I smoke weed almost every day and I'm close to getting a PhD in mathematics at a respectable institution. Your anecdote is just as meaningless as mine, by the way.

Well, it would seem that she enjoys being with the man who has beaten her and will probably continue to, based on the fact that she keeps coming back. Who are we to judge her choices?

I'd be more concerned with the example Chris Brown set, but she certainly isn't helping by condoning his behavior.

Your child had a personality when it was still inside your uterus? Bullshit, that's nothing more than projection. It's the same as when people talk about their pets' "personalities".

From what I remember from attending number theory seminar, the ABC conjecture is so nice because the statement is relatively simple yet it implies many interesting results in number theory. So the "applications" are in proving theorems that a mechanical engineering student would probably find no interest in, but

You know, men can promote feminism and write for feminist websites, too. The fact that Jezebel is a fminist site does not magically turn Doug Barry into a woman.

Most families eventually come around when you break it to them, and if they don't then they really aren't worth your time.

I'm curious about the etymology of pussy- specifically, whether it was first used to refer to genitalia or cats. Anyone have any idea?

Well first off, I don't think that IQ really means anything (it's a measure of how good you are at taking tests), so I really couldn't care less if my IQ dropped. The point I was trying to make is that my existence allows us to reject the hypothesis that smoking weed as a teenager dooms you to a life of flipping

Why is this directed at me? Afternoon Delight is the one invoking plurality, here...

I started smoking weed at 13 and I'm currently working towards a PhD in Mathematics from a respectable institution. Correlation is not always causation...

So, how does this argument not apply to FGM? The only difference is that you assume that male circumcision is not cruel (it certainly is, ask anyone who's had it done as an adult). This line of reasoning applies verbatim to justify FGM, it's just that the underlying cultural assumptions are different, in terms of ways

They might not be directly comparable in the way that the holocaust and a random murder aren't, but they're both wrong for the same reasons. Murder is wrong. Forcing unnecessary surgery on an infant who can't consent is wrong. I know the issues with anecdotal evidence and stuff, but I don't get why we need this

Well guess what, your SO doesn't speak for all circumcised people. I'm circumcised, and although I'm not distraught about it, I kind of wish I had a say in the matter. There's really no way to know what was lost or not, but I would've rather erred on the side of not having unnecessary surgery done on me.