
Ahh, cool. I know I wasn’t loosing my mind then...

Check the old articles, I think that was covered a while back... Maybe...

Hmm, looks like I need to update my desktop bound dictionary. It was only printed in 1966...

Exactly, there’s a reason that when you look up the word “Oxymoron” in the dictionary, the listed synonym is “military intelligence”...

And all of that is valid, if and only if, you want a bolt for bolt copy of the existing plane. We’ve learned through years of operations that there are some things about them that are less than ideal, O2 generators. Battlefield data link systems, the inability to fire the aim-9x, no irist, etc.

While I understand where you’re trying to go with that idea, I no longer believe that the surface of the ocean is where we need to be with such a vulnerable and valuable asset. I think that we need to consider using something LIKE one of our ballistic missile subs, but instead of mounting a truckload of Tomahawks or

Which model year? The Transit Connect was just updated in the last 18 months.

We’re also thinking about that particular model, or the XLT. Problem is, we’ll be using the third row on the wagon on the regular, and it looks like legroom in the wayback is going to be very much on the tight side.

Except for, you know, the much larger proportion of British descended white people that came across as indentured servants due to either fleeing religious persecution, fleeing absolute poverty, or being sent over by the courts instead of being held in jail in England. While most people of note in the history books

Here’s a finance mistake that I see a LOT of people make, and it frustrates me to no end:

I absolutely agree that unconsenting sexual activities are and should be illegal, that’s not at all what i’m debating. Incapacitated victims are unable to consent, going back to my first sentence. I just have problems with criminal laws that deny the accused any real chance of defense.

The document that you linked to SPECIFICALLY relates to the FBI’s reporting of Rape and sexual assault in their anual releases of national crime statistics. It doesn’t directly address any changes to federal or state law with respect to the rape statutes that are on the books, only making brief note that several

The best support that the link you just showed has for your side is this sentence, “

Aww geez, I hope you haven’t been on any of those Juries either as you’re obviously intentionally obstinate about this and don’t fully understand the law that you’re trying to educate me about. My reply referenced Forcible Rape...

I’ve always been under the impression that “forcible rape” required the use of force...

I’ve thought about this article a lot over the last day or so that its been up. At first, I didn’t want to believe that what happened could be called rape because there wasn’t any resistance on the victim’s part, but, as I mulled it over, it really cleared up for me. She said no a bunch of times, in several different

Absolutely, it would be hard for a sizeable fish to get close to a ship with a modern active sonar, but, anyone for a 100 mile (exaggerated of course) radius will know where you are too.

Its deployed -> Maintenance -> resupply for deployment. Its also how the US handles its supercarriers.

And, there are variations on AIP as well. Fuel Cell AIP is just about the quietest thing you can get. It can go for long periods with essentially no moving parts save for the electric motor, the drive shaft, and the screw. There may be a small, quiet pump to supply a chemical to the fuel cells themself, but, its not

The saddest part of all is when you really dig into the numbers and see who’s really benefitting...