
I’m still waiting for the “2000 flushes toilet Bowl”

My feeling on what’s going on is that, as the athleets get better, faster, and more intelligent about the game, the load on individual officials is increasing. Couple that with a rule book that is getting more and more complicate over time, and you’ve got a recipe for this exact situation. I believe that the solution

Nailhead, meet hammer. This is exactly Lincoln’s problem in a nutshell and it has near permanently tarnished their brand name. People, especially the general buying public, have been trained to believe , thanks to three decades of mediocre product which was always scarecly better than the Fomoco platform it was based

I’ll have to hunt down invasion then. The other two seem to be much n the same vein a the first, just not as superficially entertaining.

I was always under the assumption that hollywood knew exactly what they were going to get, and liked the product there-of. Holywood has always had a field day with trolling quasi-conservative to ultra-left principles and this movie seemed to me to be about as blatant of a take-down of those concepts as was possible in

Wait?!?! There were sequels to that steaming pile of horse excrement?!?! Off to Google and IMDB I go...

just make sure that your lawyer is on the list of people being alerted when you hit the button...

[Warning! This message includes words, phrases and concepts that may be disturbing or triggering to others. Please do not read this if you are easily triggered, disturbed, or otherwise offended by ideas, phrases, stories, or other concepts that may not match with your personal world views. Proceed with caution.]

Sorry you had to go through all of that. It sounds to me like the shop insured the engine for the cost of goods sold (materials, labor and overhead). The simplest thing for the shop to do to keep good faith is to have persued UPS for the insured amount and use that money to make a new engine. Then, ship that one via

Having done a bit on both sanctioned and “unsanctioned” tracks when I was younger and stupider, tires AND brakes go together. Period. Full stop. You want as much traction as your vehicle can use, and brakes that are consistent, resistant to heat-soak, and can survive the abuse on a track. Bottom of the line OEM pads

This medication, from what I remember reading about many months ago back when the controversy over it was brewing nicely, is designed to help a small percentage of the population of women that have a specific type of libido issue. Their issue is that, for reasons not entirely well understood, they are unable to

We have 5 kids... what is this “sanity” that you speak of? Does your organization have a pamphlet or app that I can review for 7 seconds?

But that’s nust it. Get the kids involved in even a couple of after school activities and all your time seems to get flushed right down the toilet.

The ecosport is a failed little penalty box of a cute-ute that flopped in europe because it was based on a generations old platform and lacked competitive options.

Your best bet, use an aviation spec engine.

There are two paths to go on this...

Well, there are a whole lot of redundant power systems for the FLCS in the F-16, so, if the FLCS fails, you’ve got some very big problems on your hands (or a pre-voltage-regulator mod block of airframe). If the FLCS is off, you have no control authority as the plane is 100% fly by wire. The controls will notch to a

Oh, there is... But would you trust your life to a dry sump 2.0l fuel injected turbo charged automotive engine running enough boost to make 450hp? Those cylinder pressures are probably enough to annihilate the engine in short order...

Well, the aircraft from that era had a major difference between their design philosophy and the philosophy that was adopted for high performance fighters just a decade later. The XB-70 airframe was fundamentally stable. This meant that, under normal flight operations, if the controls were left alone, the aircraft’s

Well, there are “Design” costs, and then there are “systems integration, procurement of low production goods, construction, troubleshooting, etc.” costs. I’ll let you guess which ones are the most expensive by far...