Can limbs be blown off from explosions like in World at War?
Can limbs be blown off from explosions like in World at War?
I agree with you, really didn’t like that about the first one. They didn’t show anyone getting into a vehicle but I didn’t see any of those coins either, so I guess we’ll just have to see later.
Was that confirmed? I didn’t see it in the stream, is a sort of killstreak thing to get ships and tanks?
Damn August would have been such a nice time to play it, now it’s going to be right in the middle of the fall game schedule.
Puts my small collection to shame, the full armor gundam looks awesome, I need to get that one soon.
Damn I really hope we can get an Overwatch movie at some point.
I know it gets asked a lot, but which to watch the original series or brotherhood?
Which male preset head did you use? He looks a lot better than the guy I made.
Question: If you have a bunch of games downloaded on the external, what happens if it gets unplugged while the PS4 is on?
What I did was turn on subtitles and lower the volume on the tv, the sounds are what get me.
It would be pretty awesome if they could do a Marvel game too.
Where’s Spider-Man?
Any chance this will ever come to consoles?
Has it been confirmed that it will have only characters from the MCU, or is this just speculation?
I’m not a fan and I really hope it isn’t something that’s going to happen more often. There’s a reason why I have Mondays and Tuesdays off from work.
I was just wondering this myself and by checking it seems the ps4 pro will not support Dolby HDR, only HDR10.
I was just wondering this myself and by checking it seems the ps4 pro will not support Dolby HDR, only HDR10.
Completely agree with you. Metal Gear with pretty much no story, it just makes no sense to me, man such a massive disappointment.
If I remember correctly Iron Man just had a suit on that had no metal whatsoever so Magneto could do nothing against him.
Funny I don’t play the game because of my anxiety.