
ChatGPT burns through a nuclear reactor’s worth of water just to cool their servers”

People are already doing this on local machines. At this moment all it takes is any GPU with with at least 10gb of DDR6. So any high end 30 or 40 series card with just over 10gb vram will be able to achieve close to GPT-3 results. Tensor Models are available at Github and Ai repositories. They are making these more

I liked what I saw from that.

Didn’t someone already hook up Skyrim to ChatGTP and some text to speech AI to basically achieve the same?

Not a single one of these had a “seismic impact on pop culture”. Most were underwhelming for the attendees, and forgotten in weeks, if not days.

Not all server farms are cooled with evaporative cooling, you could also use water to air heat exchangers, like ordinary car engines use (typically called a “radiator”, even though it actually isn’t. :P) These lose basically no water, as it is a closed loop system.

That’s why I clicked on the link - the concept of filling a cooling tower with water (even as a measurement) made no damn sense.

If only we had the technology to recycle and reuse this water that’s become heated while cooling the data centers.

To bad this water evaporates into the sky and never comes back.

I wonder how much water the production and distribution of this article consumed? Computing uses energy. Computing at scale consumes water. Therefore this article could be written about every computing task. AI processing is computationally expensive but also provides value for that expense. At least it’s not crypto

A life-affirming act performed in a place dedicated to those no longer of this world sounds pretty poetic, although I imagine it would be a “You break it, you bought it” scenario.

Good, they should bang in more places. As long as they don’t damage anything, more power to them. People need to get over themselves. We’re animals that live for 70-ish years and then we die and everything we did and were is forgotten. Fuck on some big rocks in the meantime. Who cares.

As long as they aren't trespassing or something, I really don't care at all. Sacred geological features can be part of your superstition, but I do not fucking care. If I decide that grand central station is sacred, what happens if I get pissed at people walking through it? Sex is natural and normal. Zero. Fucks given. 

If the rock is 65 million years old, you’re kidding yourself if you think thousands of people haven’t already banged over every inch of it by now. Pretty much every ancient and modern marvel has been soaked in human goo at one point or another.

I’m fine with this. Nobody is beholden to the superstitions of others, religion is the root of or, at best, aggrivates every social ill in the modern world.

Beyond that, even within videogames they were sexualized long before FF7. I can think of more than a few PC and Sega/SNES games with sexualized skirts that predate FF7. 

Apparently Ashley (the author) has never been to Japan.

Give more men in games skirts and let’s make this perviness properly equal opportunity, thank you very much. Make skirts gender neutral.

Games like FFVII recontextualized the skirt as feminine clothing item not only for women to wear, but to be sexualized in.”

This strikes me as an odd blanket statement. Skirts have been sexualized for far longer than their appearance in videogames, and their usage in games is reflective of their usage in reality

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