A really well conceptualized vision...of a terrible idea.
A really well conceptualized vision...of a terrible idea.
AT&T's dismal service has had me looking for a viable escape route for months now.
Paranoid Schizophrenics everywhere are now frantically searching in vain for hidden USB ports on cheap .99ยข bathroom hooks.
The Proper Way To Enjoy Tron Legacy:
We can only hope, in these dark times, that this woman serves as an inspiration for lingerie loving ladies everywhere to follow her brave example.
"iTunes" is Music, TV, Movies, Podcasts...it seems silly to keep calling it iTunes. At SOME point this will have to change.
@Garrison Dean: R.O.A.C.H.: My brain went through the same process...first I was like Zak Efron!? Noooo...wait a minute.
The big story behind all of this is the buildup to The AVENGERS movie.
So the Gandalf thing was just to fuck with us.
@Fanboy185: So I guess that would make them the Red Coats.
@The5thElephant: Thanks! Great feedback, Consider Phlebas sounds like the best to hook me so far.
@Mister_Roboto: Music to a Sci-Fi loving Red Sox Fan's ears!
@JimmyBanks6: Huh? Gizmodo posts negative articles about Apple all the time.
Vampires... Zombies... Batman... Superman... Werewolves... Vampires... Ironic Star Wars Inspired Products... Superman... Batman... Zombies...
@JimboLodisC: Ashhhhh to Ashhhh