
@Pope John Peeps II: When Timothy Leary was in prison, he was in solitary for a long stretch. Someone slipped him a copy of Pynchon's "Gravity's Rainbow" and he read it like 8 times.

I know nothing about this author & his work, but I read 1/2 of this article and am now intrigued. (stopped reading for fear of spoilers)

Everything is still the same point & click...they are just ADDING MORE optional ways to interact with the OS.

@Mark_B: Hey, I own one Mac, and 2 PC laptops. I'm about as objective as it gets, but this is just the reality of the situation. MS is grinding it's gears, and Apple is cruising along.

What a beautiful, practical, harmless little laptop. Yet, it still leaves people who will never even use one foaming at the mouth.

The Tennis Ball "Chuck-It" ball thrower for dogs works AMAZINGLY for packing & launching snowballs.

The Last Starfighter!

Conan, bless his pompadour, was being groomed for the Tonight Show for most of his late night career.

@RockLawbster: Ok..find me a piece of paper that lights up and changes images when you swipe a finger across it, and I'll give you the point.

@moonshadowkati: I don't know about this thread...I'm not really Feline it.

My Predictions:

They need to mount some gatlings on those suckers.

I scrolled down here to see the predictable "Big deal, I could do that with a piece of paper" comments.

@Xeno: It's better than bad, it's good!

What no one realizes is that Steve Jobs has a Turtleneck & Jeans TATTOO!

This heavy metal album cover is also retro sci-fi radness...
