
ugh lots of replies

Where was the joke in that sentence? She was saying that nudism (for her) = molestation for someone else. So...

Where was the joke in that sentence? She was saying that nudism (for her) = molestation for someone else. So...

Where was the joke in that sentence? She was saying that nudism (for her) = molestation for someone else. So...

Where was the joke in that sentence? She was saying that nudism (for her) = molestation for someone else. So...

"This was the Shameful Secret of my childhood, like having an alcoholic mother who hit or an uncle who touched you in the areas where the bathing suit covers."

Same here. I still BF my active 18mo old and I know there are a least a few dozen strangers who could describe both boobs in detail (moles, areola size and color, etc) and I've just never gotten a dirty look or been told to cover up and I have friends with similar experiences. Outliers get all the attention, obvs.

That was a joke! Come on, I've seen you around these parts and I've liked your comments but you're looking for Jezebel-wide inconsistency when I'm betting that everyone you know would agree that 19 kids is too many.

But this family has a television show *because* they chose to have so many kids: that's the gimmick. We are all supposed to be saying, "Holy crap, that's a lot of kids, what does that life look like??" TLC is banking on ppl being horrified/intrigued/judgmental about this family enough to tune in. We are supposed to be

Yeah, I get what you're saying but this family has a television show because they are outliers, because they've made unique family-planning decisions. They've made themselves a part of that conversation and anyone else (with exception of the Diggars, natch) would say that 19 kids is toooooooo maaaaanyyyy.

Bleach? Not so bad, I guess.

As if being a heterosexual dude (and not a jealous girl) makes you the end-all authority on Who's Attractive. The patriarchal bullshit is strong in this one.

Excellence isn't valued in women's sports? Huh?

LOL, like wearing a helmet is shielding yourself from the world. You cray.

Stop posting and take a 2-week break. Going through the trouble of deleting your account only to start it up again when you're over your hump is giving it too much space in your head. Just take a nice long break and when you go back to it, don't post any updates, just make nice comments on pics. I bet it will stop

Aww, man, I totally know this feeling! One year, I only got a handle of birthday wishes and it made me feel like shit and I stopped visiting the site every day. On top of that, I was trying desperately to get pregnant and it seemed like an epidemic every where else in the world which only compounded my shit-feeling.

I feel like googling whoever you're going out with is almost a personal responsibility! I have a friend who thinks it's akin to stalking which I think is ridiculous. You can tell if someone is creepy or stupid or bigoted or homophobic from their social media because it's super hard to hide those kinds of things