
Is that fair? It hurts like hell the first time!

Her whole comment was railing against the "citations, please" response she gets from people who refute the existence of sexism. I thought you were responding to her entire comment not just one cherry-picked sentence. My bad.

Why do *I* need to be the teacher? There are many, many feminist scholars who have written about sexism for a really long time that could say more better than I ever could. Go read.

You need citations to prove sexism exists?

You say "most of society is sexist" but most of society won't even admit that's the truth. I've had conversations with people who won't even admit it's a THING. So, how in the hell do I have an educated, nuanced conversation with someone who doesn't even agree with me on a basic premise? It's a non-starter. It's also

2013, ya'll! How is this an issue still??

Cold turkey is the way to go, IMHO. Gets the chemicals out of you faster and you just have to white-knuckle your way through it. I smoked a pack a day for the better part of 10 years and I always intended to quit just didn't know have to wait til YOU are ready. December 2007, I realized I was going to be

1. You're assuming that a sexily dressed woman (in YOUR opinion, because that's a moving target) is trying to promote their sexuality. I've been catcalled in sweats so riddle me that.

So, if you're cosplay provocatively, you should expect aggression? That sounds like a geek iteration of rape culture.

I <3 TLo! Such good writers in their recaps. Their fashion advice is hit or miss (unless they're talking about menswear) but I really like that site; it's a several times a day place to visit for me.

double post

That is a shit-ton of speculation, jeez.

This was an argument I had with my best friend: that I think there are more important life lessons to teach my kid about what's good than there are words that offend that people.

I love this comment so hard.

Why anti-photorealism?

How/why are you talking about this woman like you know her? Such a strange, mean-spirited piece.

Well, it could destroy a relationship if you're not honest about it. And there is something to be said about how romance is marketed to women and how sex is marketed to men. I think it looks interesting!

I'd probably hate most of this if I'd never seen an episode of New Girl.

Also: you are NOT old at 25, 30, 32, 37 etc. I'm sick of every one cLaiming to be an "old" and using that as à reason to not try something new. If you're discouraged with your work/life/lové options at 25, I kinda want to slap some sensé into you. Written on thé ipad of french employers whose daughter I nanny

That's crap, come one. It's morbid to think about but if she dies, her husband would be on the hook for childcare and need to keep the house etc..Her work is just as valuable and he could never cut her off, really. They have a kid together, the courts would step in if he tried. So...sorry, what was your point?