I know, but the first one wasn't a musical :)
I know, but the first one wasn't a musical :)
We do not need a Little Shop of Horrors re-make! I love JGL but that movie is perfection and there is no way you will ever convince me you can improve it.
Warning, there be Dance of Dragons Spoilers:
I'm a firm believer of this theory too. My heart will be broken if it doesn't come to pass.
I couldn't agree with you more, although I'd also settle for her refusing to be anyone's wife on principle and instead being in Gendry's King's guard. I want those two to be happy the most though, so they'll probably both die tragically just as they are about to achieve their goals.
Which is so disappointing! I feel like she's gotten completely off track. I hope big developments happen for her in The Winds of Winter
Are you me? because these are my exact thoughts :)
Yes. A thousand times yes.
I need to watch more soccer...I'll be in my bunk.
Team Klaus and Elijah in my bed. They both have such sexy voices (especially Klaus). They could read the dictionary to me and it would turn me on.
The "virgin" did. She knew something was up and when she tried to explain to the scholar what was happening he accused her of being hysterical and told her to calm down, then rightly got stabbed in the neck as punishment for being patronizing. I loved that part.
Thanks! I have a very twisted sense of humor. The dialogue and performances just tickle me in every possible way. Also, my dad loves it just as much as I do. Although we still haven't figured out which of the two of us speaks Italian first best and which one speaks it second best.
Seconded. The crazier the better, I say. I just re-watched Inglorious Basterds on Sunday, and that movie is my happy place.
I need the Iowa pan like now. JUST THINK OF ALL THE THINGS I COULD MAKE WITH IT!!!!
Oy that is the worst! Well, I wish you and your heart the best of luck. Despite being down with love at the moment and not having a Ewan McGregor type to sing about it with, I'm still a huge optimist and I truly believe things will work out for you eventually. Just probably not with this guy... Hopefully, we'll…
I think we're going through the same thing right now. I would send this to a few of my friends but I know one of two things will happen. Either they will take great offense that I think they need to read this or they will read it, say "wow, what a good article" and then completely ignore it and go about business as…