
I love you! If Johnny starts spontaneously dancing in Jazz clubs, we'll know it's time for an intervention.

Thank you for making my life complete.

Oh, I'm familiar with the plot of Love Never Dies. I didn't see it, but I read every re-cap and spoiler I could find because I couldn't get over what a train wreck it was. I agree with you completely. What they did to Raoul is unforgivable and completely unbelievable based on his character in the original Phantom.

I must be picky too, because Raoul is clearly the only sane choice in my opinion.

Also, I've always thought Love Never Dies was webber's creepy way of giving himself a happy ending. I watched this documentary once about the making of The Phantom of the Opera, his relationship with Sarah Brightman and how ALW sees himself as the Phantom and Brightman as Christine. She left him in real life, so he

Fortunately, Annie's Boobs never molested any children.

I know from an experience with black tortilla chips that the Darth Vader burger will make anyone who eats it poop green for a week.

Fair enough. You'll have to let me know if the BF has a convincing Legolas voice. My favorite part was definitely how he gave us a daily update on how pretty he was.

Do you think she aimed to misbehave?

I love you forever Sarcazzer! The secret diaries kept me and my nerdy friends entertained all through college. If I proposed to you with a One Ring Carrot, would you be my precious?

As an Iowan living in another state, I can tell you the Midwest never really leaves your heart. As for that t-shirt, if I was Oprah, it would be on my favorite things list. I love the creativity that has come from Iowans in response to that article. Have you visited [] yet?

Oh snap.

Iowa Style, yo.

Awe, thanks. Hearted back!

Fuck Clooney, Marry Damon, kill Craig. Easiest decision of my life

His penis got diseases from a chumash tribe!

Well, now I'm just going to have to start stalking you in the comments to find all of the Clue references. I told you I didn't do it!

I think you two are my soul mates.

Melissa McCarthy, Gabrielle Giffords, Jennifer Lawrence, Hillary Rodham Clinton