
You're doing it right.


I accept that this is the future, but am I really the only one that prefers physical buttons and analog gauges inside a car? I *do* really like when there's an supporting display in the dash for things like Nav, and I like conceptually how flexible (and modifiable) this setup is, but... <grumble><grumble><grumble>.

I've worked in an industry that practices "crunching" and all it is is a sign of bad planning. It creates employee resentment and burnout. The management refuses to hire more employees or create a more realistic timeline, instead requiring employees to work incredibly long hours for ridiculous pay (or in Crytek's

This is unfortunate, but I'm not surprised considering how a manager was bragging about how much "crunching" they were having to do to get the game out on time. Companies that treat employees like that don't hold them first in any regard. I wonder how many of the upper management have received full paychecks.

If you don't like it, don't scream at the top of your throat that it's "killing video games". I would like to see the world in first-person. This mod sounds awesome for people like me.

how can she be a girl if she has no boobs?

Yeah... I mean, to each his own, and I'm happy for everyone that's digging the World Cup. But mostly I just scratch my head and wonder how people prefer this to hockey.

Nintendo: "No see, kids like Mario and Link, and kids will always love Mario and Link. As long as we keep making Mario and Zelda game iterations for the next 100 years, I'm sure we'll remain profitable."

No seriously, I'm imagining someone coming in to really get their addiction to video games out of the way and then they're all "are you sure you don't just watch too much porn?"

First thought about the SSS "fuck me, I shouldn't have paid my bills cause now I'm broke at the worst time" upon looking at it "I already own everything, fuggit"

This game... cannot... wait....

Day One.

I ran upon this topic in several threads discussing Far Cry 4 and, while I understand the criticism behind Jason's character, I do not entirely see the basis. First, I do not intend to be an apologist for Ubisoft or downplay blatant "White Burden" glorification.

Well, Nazeem from Skyrim was annoying as hell. He's black (Redguard?) and is pretty goddamned privileged. And if not, he's a rich d-bag.

For some reason he has a brother who is like a special forces guy in spite of his extreme richness which makes no sense.

People feel their bigotry is justified when it's directed toward heterosexual white men. It's almost comical (if it wasn't so scary) how "White Devil!" racism escalates across SJW sites and gets a free pass.

I'm quite liking this new trend of Far Cry's "main" character being the antagonist. It's like they know how hard it is to create a pre-defined personality for the player to inhabit, whilst ensuring the player's actions match up with it, so they've focused almost exclusively on creating memorable villains. I like it.

You can tell right away these kind of shops will never, ever, ever happen at all outside Japan.