
That's the beautiful thing about open comment systems ;)

Now that you mention it there are very very few female comedians I actually find funny

Also you're never too good to go to a thrift store and see what the have to offer!

Purchase with the Buttons DLC and save $0.50!


Those are nifty, not 5 grand nifty, but nifty nonetheless.

Yes, that he makes millions of dollars more than you will in your life doing that mediocre shite .

Someone's jelly

Crunchy peanut butter is just unfinished real peanut butter!

From my experience at Lock and Load, yes :D

The two player starter is a solid beginner for any player, good luck on your venture!

Good luck casting spells with all your beasts dead

I'm sorry but that's just wrong. Please try to discuss that viewpoint on their forum and the players there will give you all the information you need to correct that line of thinking.

Do the shoes factor in? The actual picture seems to have her wearing higher platforms than the outline.

"Alright John you trained your whole life for th- *SMACK*"

"One thing though, they should do a fighting game where all the characters from different games fight. Get on it, Nintedno!" Oh god yes please!

Maybe the constant layoffs have caused less employee loyalty

Why not both? Can you add a game from GoG Galaxy in to your Steam list for one stop access to playing games? Why miss a sale?

Because moderation staff on this site is touchier than a Catholic Priest.