think it would be fine, let’s say, to let some guy sit next to you and your kids, or sit directly in back of you or one of your kids, (and remember public stadium seating is rather close quarters) with his dick out, for the entirety of a basketball game, and then start swinging it around every so often?…
Wouldn’t most people be asked to leave by security? Agree with all the comments it’s not a stage or red carpet. It’s not Lizzo or her ass anyone objects to.
Agreed. And I would go so far as to say I really don’t want to see anyone’s ass cheeks in public, with the exception of if you’re wearing a thong at the beach. If that’s your deal, you do you--on your own beach towel. But c’mon folks. I thought we could all agree that going out in public with your ass cheeks hanging…
Lizzo needs to understand when something like that is appropriate-like at a beach or an MTV Awards show or at a fashion awards show where people expect to see an exposed rear end. Your examples of other people showing their buns are pointedly not at basketball games. Incidentally, people very much talked about those…
I have heard speeches by Coretta King where she expressed a distinctly ‘meh’ attitude toward marriage and MLK. She had her own shit she wanted to do. She had to be convinced to marry MLK and to subvert her own ambitions, and by her words and tone, I think she always resented it a bit, to be forever known as wife…
How do you steal a whole house, fam? Logically, I know the answer, but still, what kind of planning and balls does…
Back in 1976, when Brian Mitchell was eight years old, a teacher in his Louisiana school system asked if anyone in…
Virginia’s wiretapping law is a “one-party consent” law. Virginia makes it a crime to intercept or record any “wire, oral, or electronic communication” unless one party to the conversation consents. Virginia Code § 19.2-62.
It’s not that difficult, guys. How many of these stories have gone like this:
After initial claims circulated saying that the people of Puerto Rico were being denied the ability to use food…
Seems like the root is becoming more and more anti black male. Very sad. It sucks they are joining the other Gawkmondo properties in creating a white friendly version of progressiveness that’s easy to gluten-sensitive white digestive tracks because we can still hate black men and be woke.
In my country, the idea of anything but monogamous marriage is looked upon as just another crazy thing white people invented, like tacos wrapped in doritos or skin cancer. Meanwhile everyone knows dad has another family on the other side of town and sis is getting it from her own husband and her best friend’s.…
It’s like this if I’m not intersted in a trans man I don’t think about them. So when I meet a guy that looks like a male. I’m not wondering if he’s trans. It’s not my position to say anything it’s her (his) because they are the ones wanting the acceptance of who they’ve created themselves to be. They should…
Ok, I will confess: I am confused. Did I miss the point? Was this tongue-in-cheek or satire that I just didn't get?
At a rough guess, I'd say they're probably in favour of some Fibrenew products. You think? Oh yeah, and by the way, stop using toothpaste and switch to new SmileO'Dent, say the folks over at SmileO'Dent.